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Out-of-range behavior for shipping question


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I just updated my 1.2.5 installation to 1.3.1. When a product is out of weight range PS applies the cost of the highest defined range. I'm not sure if I remember correctly but I think there was a setting to apply the next range up not the highest. Applying the next weight range up would work for me. How can I set this up again? Thanks.

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  • 2 years later...

I know this might be considered as hi-jacking a thread but the thread title explains everything that I need. My simple question is why does the system sometimes applies the out-of-range cost for some products? Is there something that I am missing out here? I compared two different products and it didnt make sense :(. I done some experimenting and some of the products that where created before I setup the shipping dont seem to attract the right shipping price. BUT products I created or changed the weight (by a few grams) after the shipping was set up, now work ok.


This is a bit confusing to see the least especially for a newbie. Does this scenario ring any bells with the PrestaShop experts or even the people that wrote the module?



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