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custom text block not updating on frontend

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I have a clean install of prestashop 1..7 and mostly is seems fine

but when i change the text in the custom text block module nothing changes on the site

i have asked server guys to check their settings and they say all is good

have played with the cache, deleting, turning off etc and nothing changes

In the backend the mod keeps the amended information

i have tried force compilation, clearing cache, resetting the mod etc etc

please can someone help?

Edited by DHLX (see edit history)
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16 minutes ago, selectshop.at said:

What cache exactly you deleted ? URL to your site is, for to verify what could be happened ?

thanks for your reply...

there is a clear cache button on the parameters in the back end, 
i have also deleted cache on browsers to make sure that wasn't the problem

url is www.toptoners.com


Edited by DHLX (see edit history)
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OK. This is right cache delete.

I can see this customs block:

Custom Text Block

TopToners.com for Jet Tec printer cartridges

TopToners.com supplies Jet Tec ink cartridges and Jet Tec laser toners, as well as Jet Tec inkjet refill kits. 


Should be there another text ?

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4 minutes ago, selectshop.at said:

OK. This is right cache delete.

I can see this customs block:

Custom Text Block

TopToners.com for Jet Tec printer cartridges

TopToners.com supplies Jet Tec ink cartridges and Jet Tec laser toners, as well as Jet Tec inkjet refill kits. 


Should be there another text ?

thats the right text...


site owner can not see it,

I can seem to see it on my computer and mobile but not on other devices now..

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2 minutes ago, selectshop.at said:

Perhaps you delete browser cache before and server cache than after ? Seems that browser cache is not deleted or not well deleted.



thanks for your reply

I have done that and still nothing changes... :( trying again though :)




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