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why the best seller moudle does not work well?


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I used the prestatshop for more than one year.but what the problem i found is that the best seller model can not work well.all of our customers make the order online,but always can not show the best seller products automatically.what happened to this model,is there anybody know how to solve it,tks a lot for your attention and solution suggestion from everyone.

tks &best;regards !

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I also found this modules quantities wasn't being updated when products were sold so I did a small script that I run at the end of every day. Can set up a cron job to do this on a daily basis. This updates the quantities for the table that the best sellers module uses.

Use the following code, save it as a php file, name is something like sync_sales.php and stick it on your server, and call it from a browser when you need to (will show a blank/white page)



return Db::getInstance()->Execute('
   REPLACE INTO '._DB_PREFIX_.'product_sale
   (`id_product`, `quantity`, `sale_nbr`, `date_upd`)
   SELECT od.product_id, COUNT(od.product_id), SUM(od.product_quantity), NOW()
       FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'order_detail od 
       GROUP BY od.product_id');


In my opinion the best sales should be those products that have sold the most quantities, but Prestahop does not figure it that way, it counts how many times the product was sold on a per order basis, so you need to alter the code in "classes/ProductSale.php" to change this.


ps.`quantity` AS sales

replace with

ps.`sale_nbr` AS sales

This code occurs twice in that file, once for the block and the other for the best-sales page.

Hope this helps. :)

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