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[MODUL] popuplog (modifikasi dari modul popup news)

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Salam kenal..

saya ada modifikasi sedikit modul popupnews.

Modul yang saya modif ini digunakan untuk pesan singkat bagi pengunjung web.
dibedakan antara member dan bukan member..

terimakasih untuk user Tobi yang telah mengawali membuat modul popupnews.. biar gak bingung saya ubah namanya jadi popuplog.. hehehe

telah saya coba di web saya http://www.alatlukis.com dan berjalan baik

bagi yang pengen silakan donglot..


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  • 3 weeks later...

If you use Prestashop v1.1 there's chances you cannot use TinyMCE with this module.
In that case i found a way to fix this.
Actually in prestashop 1.1 TinyMCE didn't have the file jquery.tinymce.js,
this module "call" this file to enable TinyMCE but it will not find it so only a basic text
box will be displayed.
The fix for prestashop v1.1 is simple (in my case), i took this file from prestashop 1.2.5
then i copied it to /MY-SHOP-DIRECTORY/js/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/ then it was ok.

Same solution work also for this other module still on prestashop v1.1:

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  • 2 months later...

Great module,
it works fine, and easy to customize the css.

It is only possible to use it in 1 language! :-S

Tested with PS 1.3.1


To change language:
in the folder popupnews copy and paste en.php file, rename the new file in it.php for italian, or es.php for spanish or find the two letter used for your language, then you can translate in Back office as well as other modules.

One question:
how to set the cookies expiration?
I want that after someone clicked "Dont show this window again" the window will open again the next day

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One question:
how to set the cookies expiration?
I want that after someone clicked "Dont show this window again" the window will open again the next day

By default, it relies to browser cookies expiration settings but if you want to set manually, open the popupnews.tpl and add

cookieExpires: n

where n is number of days the splash will not show. Below is the complete code :

   $(function(){$('.meerkat').meerkat({cookieExpires: 1,background: 'transparent',height: '100%',width: '100%',position: 'bottom',dontShowAgain: '#dont-show',close: '#close',animationIn: 'none',animationOut: 'fade',animationSpeed: 500,timer: {/literal}{$interval}{literal[spam-filter]);});

hope this helps.

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seperti contoh yang ini !, disebelah menu ada gambar iconnya

owh itu..

icon itu cuma tambahan, bisa diatur style nya langsung di file tpl nya atau kalau lebih bagus di file css nya..

contoh :

di file header.tpl
{l s='Home'}

di file global.css

a.nav1:link, a.nav1:visited {
display:block; float:left; padding:0px 8px 0px 22px; margin:0 14px 0 14px;height:50px;text-decoration:none; background:url(../img/nav1.png) no-repeat left; color:#ffffff;}

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saya sudah coba tambahkan script dibawah ini di file global.css

a.nav1:link, a.nav1:visited {display:block; float:left; padding:0px 8px 0px 22px; margin:0 14px 0 14px;height:50px;text-decoration:none; background:url(../img/nav1.png) no-repeat left; color:#ffffff;}

tapi kok nggak ada perubahan gan !
mohon bimbingannya !

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saya sudah coba tambahkan script dibawah ini di file global.css

a.nav1:link, a.nav1:visited {display:block; float:left; padding:0px 8px 0px 22px; margin:0 14px 0 14px;height:50px;text-decoration:none; background:url(../img/nav1.png) no-repeat left; color:#ffffff;}

tapi kok nggak ada perubahan gan !
mohon bimbingannya !

di file header nya udah di deklarasikan nav1 nya? nav1.png nya sudah ada dan diletakkan di tempatnya (../img/nav1.png)? ini hanya style yang sudah umum dipakai dalam web..
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Characters not displayed correctly when i save a document. (čšžŽŠČ)

,,š,, and ,,ž,, are all right, the problem is ,,č,,


How can I find pop up news table in phpmyadmin?

Maybe the problem is in the table? But I can not find this table....whether there actually existed?



Please help, otherwise thanks for the module.



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  • 2 weeks later...



Characters not displayed correctly when i save a document. (čšžŽŠČ)

,,š,, and ,,ž,, are all right, the problem is ,,č,,


How can I find pop up news table in phpmyadmin?

Maybe the problem is in the table? But I can not find this table....whether there actually existed?



Please help, otherwise thanks for the module.



to solve the problem of characters download this and copy and paste it in the folder popupnews


download this popupnews.php


greetings from italy ;)

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