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Mail Configuration


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Hi Guys, 

I recently move my prestashop site to a new hosting provider. However now I am unable now email is not working on the site.

I get the following error when doing a test: Failed to create cache directory /tmp/29f391a825c8ab81a6d213987298da05

I have checked with my hosting provider and they have ran a script on the server to ensure that both the ownership's and permissions are correct. Further more they have also ensured that there are no errors within the server logs specifically being Apache, PHP-fpm and process watch.

I've tried using php and smtp settings.

If I point my site back to the server it was running on previously but have the mail pointing to the current server, everything works fine. 

If anyone knows what the problem could be, please let me know, as I really need to get this site fully functional on the new server.


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  • 1 year later...


Have same problem, looking for a solution:

Konfiguration of email is ok, after manually deleting folder tmp/ our script create new one and it works well, but after some time script is trying to create new tmp file with different name and problem still here.


Log from server side:


Error: AH01071: Got error 'PHP message: PHP Warning: mkdir(): No such file or directory in /home/user/domains/domena.pl/public_html/vendor/swiftmailer/swiftmailer/lib/classes/Swift/KeyCache/DiskKeyCache.php on line 241', referer: https:// domena. pl/ admin/index.php/configure/advanced/emails/?_token=4K2__YTfKHsmVa_SpdpSd0FK7hZtVaDY-gLgYw8FgQQ



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2 hours ago, Nickz said:

You are using switftmailer as a module? 

What has been done to cause that error?


In thirtybees it has been thrown out: https://forum.thirtybees.com/topic/6039-emails-in-bleeding-edge/#comment-46330

No it;s not like module, it was in core of presta

I have Presta

Just send test mail (BO -> Advanced -> Email's -> test of configuration Email ) and got error:   Failed to create cache directory /tmp/1679a219dc5015ff9f4ceca2eda5a755QRiHajVibh0jHeyDpvXI  


In log file on server side i got this::  Error: AH01071: Got error 'PHP message: PHP Warning: mkdir(): No such file or directory in /home/user/domains/domena.pl/public_html/vendor/swiftmailer/swiftmailer/lib/classes/Swift/KeyCache/DiskKeyCache.php on line 241', referer: https:// domena. pl/ admin/index.php/configure/advanced/emails/?_token=4K2__YTfKHsmVa_SpdpSd0FK7hZtVaDY-gLgYw8FgQQ

Edited by mefiu (see edit history)
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19 hours ago, mefiu said:

Just send test mail (BO -> Advanced -> Email's -> test of configuration Email ) and got error:   Failed to create cache directory /tmp/1679a219dc5015ff9f4ceca2eda5a755QRiHajVibh0jHeyDpvXI  

That looks like a permission error.

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On 4/8/2023 at 3:23 PM, Nickz said:

That looks like a permission error.

When Admins of server delete file /tmp , than it create new /tmp folder with right permision, but after some time, like one day later, script trying to create new file ( different name) and its error

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2 hours ago, mefiu said:

yes, scripts have bad permission, but script when create /tmp directory should give right permissions, but it wont

Tmp folder have full writing permission for the shop.
What server do you use?

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 4/11/2023 at 5:13 PM, Nickz said:

Tmp folder have full writing permission for the shop.
What server do you use?

Any idea how to fix it? Need help so much, i have few calls everyday. My customers ask about order, because they didnt recive confirmation email ;(


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  • 4 weeks later...
On 5/15/2023 at 7:10 PM, Nickz said:

You should answer the questions such as What server do you use?

I paste you my server informations:


On 4/13/2023 at 9:58 PM, mefiu said:

VPS SSD with administration,  hitme.pl




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4 hours ago, mefiu said:

If i need to give you more information, please tell me what you need exacly,

Ok sorry I did not see that before.
Did you set up a mail server in your VPS? 

If yes send a testmail to an non gmail account.

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Yes i have mail on vps server.


after i send test message i get error:  (non gmail acc.)


Błąd: proszę sprawdzić konfigurację

Failed to create cache directory /tmp/99cbea4c9917ea51b89669c3ee6ee084"


After server reset, server send mails normaly, but on the next day there is again same problem ^


There is big problem with tmp file, but i dont really know how to find it.

Also there is a problem with uploading photo files to other modules. ( only when problem is with tmp file )

Dont know what and where should i look for :(



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2 hours ago, mefiu said:

Failed to create cache directory /tmp/99cbea4c9917ea51b89669c3ee6ee084

Give the temp folder writting access. As long as Prestashop cannot write anthing in that folder nothing will be placed there.

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Settings for this folder is 777 so access should be ok.


also files inside this folder have actual data ( 23.May),


So server side should be ok. I think i have problem inside presta with saving files. Maybe should i use debug system and seng log for you ?




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