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Module blockbestsellers bug


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I made a change to the product_list.tpl file that showed the price of the products with and without taxes. I used the variables $ product.price and $ product.price_tax_exc to show both prices.

As a result of that change I saw that in the home of prestashop 1.6, in the most sold block, the price with taxes was the same as the price without taxes. In other words, the value of $ product.price_tax_exc was the same as that of $ product.price.

Checking the code I have seen that in the blockbestsellers.php controller of the blockbestsellers module there is an incorrect line of code.

$ usetax = (Product :: getTaxCalculationMethod ((int) $ this-> context-> customer-> id)! = PS_TAX_EXC);

returns true if you want taxes and false otherwise and should be just the opposite. If I change the! = By == it works correctly and applies the price with the taxes included in $ product.price and the price without taxes in $ product.price_tax_exc.

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