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Best way to send follow-up emails?


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I'm looking for a solution to be able to send follow-up emails after a certain amount of time after the order. For example, 5 days after the order is placed, an email would automatically be sent with a survey.

Is there a module or something available that would do this?

Thanks in advance!

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  • 1 year later...
  • 4 months later...

even your request it's extremely basic , no native module does this.  that one customer follow up does anything but this . Gives discounts at certain amount of time and so on but it's not asking for review or order follow up


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  • 2 years later...

I have modified the script modules/followup/followup.php in this way:

  /* For all validated orders, a discount if re-ordering before x days */
  private function reOrder($count = false)
    $email_logs = $this->getLogsEmail(2);
    $sql = '
    SELECT o.id_order, c.id_cart, o.id_lang, o.id_shop, cu.id_customer, cu.firstname, cu.lastname, cu.email
    FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'orders o
    LEFT JOIN '._DB_PREFIX_.'customer cu ON (cu.id_customer = o.id_customer)
    LEFT JOIN '._DB_PREFIX_.'cart c ON (c.id_cart = o.id_cart)
      WHERE o.valid = 1
      AND c.date_add >= DATE_SUB(CURDATE(),INTERVAL 15 DAY)
      AND c.date_add <= DATE_SUB(CURDATE(),INTERVAL 10 DAY)
      AND cu.is_guest = 0'; //psubiaco: send followup_2 email between 10-15 days from order - modified the last 3 lines

I hope it works, cannot check now.
Then, I added in each file modules/followup/mails/*/followup_2.html  a sentence asking the customer to leave a review on google and facebook.
Maybe this can help... sending review + discount after 10 days from order is nice and helpful.


Edited by creasolstore
using code statement for the piece of php script (see edit history)
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