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site down php fatal error

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One of my sites - wonndunn.com is currently down.  I worked with my host provider and they found the problem but can't fix it as it's not a server problem.  The error is:

PHP Fatal error:  Class 'Module' not found in /home2/firstsu1/public_html/wonndunn/classes/Hook.php on line 499


So I went to the hook.php file and pulled it up in the editor and went down to line 499.  Line 499 is completely blank.  Keep in mind I know NOTHING about website development, I can barely spell php, and am as new as new can be.  Here is what the hook.php file says on all of the lines around line 499. Line 499 is between the two lines below that are in red text (lines 498 and line 500).  What's missing?  Is it something I can add in myself?  Or should I throw in the towel and find a freelance web developer to help?


 // Check permissions
            if ($check_exceptions) {
                $exceptions = Module::getExceptionsStatic($array['id_module'], $array['id_hook']);

                $controller = Dispatcher::getInstance()->getController();
                $controller_obj = Context::getContext()->controller;

                //check if current controller is a module controller
                if (isset($controller_obj->module) && Validate::isLoadedObject($controller_obj->module)) {
                    $controller = 'module-'.$controller_obj->module->name.'-'.$controller;

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Most likely error is not in that file but in some module. Try to turn debug mode on


as it could give more information on that error. 

If you have installed some new module recently try to disable it, if you have access to Back office. 

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OK but with access to files you can turn debug mode, like explained on that link. Also if you find some specific module that is causing issue you can access modules folder and rename specific folder of the module, for example "blockcart" to "_blockcart".

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