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product options feature


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I want to switch to prestashop. And i need the following feature.

I want to offer with my product A an option for the customer to choose one or more products. Lets say products B and C with special prices. Products B and C already exist in my catalog. So, when the customer want to buy the main product A, he can also add product B or products B and C, simply by clicking those options. So not only i should have the ability to add products to A, but also set a promotional price for them.

Is there a simple way to do that.

Thank you for reading


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Come on. Nobody use this kind of promotion with prestashop ?  When the customer choose a product he can get another one with a discount. How to setup this  easily. On the product page the customer should be able to choose one or two (differents) products more. This is interesting for him or her,  since these products are offered with a special price. And i should be able to add to every product some discounted ones with the new prices.


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