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Auto remove out-of-stock products from cart


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I'm currently facing an issue on our webshop.

For example:

From product A, we have 1 item in stock.

Customer A puts it in his shopping cart, and leaves the website.
2 days later, Customer B puts the same item in his shopping cart, and finishes his order.
The next day Customer A comes back to the shop, sees his existing shopping cart, and finishes his order as well.

Now we have sold that 1 item, 2 times.

Is there any way that we can avoid this?
Something like a product availability check everytime a customer goes to another page?

This would be very, very helpful.

Thanks in advance,

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  • 2 months later...

Simondavid - not a perfect solution, but you can try:

1. creating outofstock.php file in your shop root directory

2. adding the code:



$db = Db::getInstance();

$sql = "SELECT c.id_cart, c.id_product_attribute, c.id_product FROM ps_cart_product c
LEFT JOIN ps_stock_available s ON s.id_product_attribute = c.id_product_attribute
								AND s.id_product = c.id_product
LEFT JOIN ps_orders o ON o.id_cart = c.id_cart
id_order IS NULL								
AND s.quantity  <1
ORDER BY c.date_add DESC";

$results = Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS($sql);

foreach ($results as $r) {

  $product_id = $r['id_product'];
  $attribute_id = $r['id_product_attribute'];
  $cart_id = $r['id_cart'];
  $sql = "DELETE FROM ps_cart_product WHERE
            id_cart = '$cart_id'
            AND id_product_attribute = '$attribute_id'
            AND id_product = '$product_id'";


3. setting up a cron so it visits domain.com/outofstock.php every minute

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