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Make my own theme from a HTML template.

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Hello I have a question! I think before some body asked but in that is not exactly what I'm looking for.


I have a store ready in prestashop, but I would like to change the default theme but not the all page just to the HOME, I would like to my template change to the HOME in prestashop and the rest keep as is it.


I show you what is my current HOME template and my Prestashop Store.


This one is my current Template.


And my prestashop store is this one.



What I whant to do is in my own template add a few thinks is in the Prestashop HOME page, the top menu, the sections (New Items, Coming Soon, Best Selling, etc) the cart module and the search module, is the only thinks I need to do, but I ready looking for here and other forums and in google but I can found any tutorial for do it, just the prestashop original guide but is not exactly what i have to do or what is the files I have to change.

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For which Prestashop version ? Problem is that Prestashop 1.6. is still based on smarty, Prestashop 1.7. is a mix of smarty and new framework symfony, which makes it difficult.

Designer tutorials you will find here:

PS 1.6. http://doc.prestashop.com/display/PS16/Designer+Guide

PS 1.7.  http://doc.prestashop.com/display/PS17/Theme+Developer+Guide

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Sorry I forgot that, yes I'm using Prestashop 1.6 and I think I will keep this version until the 1.7 is enough strong, because my main addons is not working on 1.7


But Thanks for the links I think I have to check with calm and see if is viable to change what I'm looking for.

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