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Prestashop Discount show's negative values


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Hi there,


I am working with prestashop since version 1.4, and now in version, i've noticed that when i specify a quantity discount to a product, then on the product front office, when i reach the quantity of discount the price that it shows is a negative value.


I attach two pics, one before reach the quantity discount, and the other when i reach the quantity discount.

I already followed some tutorials on discount prices here in the forum, and nothing changes, even with clear cache and recompile function. Then i got back to original files.


Also, i'm using default theme from prestashop


I would appreciate any help.







I have changed the attribute of discounts to percentage and now, the value is "0" when reached the quantity discount. Pics attached before and after reach discount quantity.





Edited by Sergio (see edit history)
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In product.tpl change.

<tr class="quantityDiscount_{$quantity_discount.id_product_attribute}" data-real-discount-value="{convertPrice price = $realDiscountPrice}" data-discount-type="{$quantity_discount.reduction_type}" data-discount="{$quantity_discount.real_value|floatval}" data-discount-quantity="{$quantity_discount.quantity|intval}">


<tr class="quantityDiscount_{$quantity_discount.id_product_attribute}" data-real-discount-value="{convertPrice price=$productPrice-$quantity_discount.real_value|floatval}" data-discount-type="{$quantity_discount.reduction_type}" data-discount="{$quantity_discount.real_value|floatval}" data-discount-quantity="{$quantity_discount.quantity|intval}">


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On 4/21/2020 at 12:45 AM, Guest said:

My module works with both percentage and reduced cost and reduced cost variants 😉

It only works with the default template and original tpl files.

Demo 1: https://e-apps.eu/test/ps-16/en/blouses/2-blouse.html#/1-size-s/11-color-black


Demo 2: https://e-apps.eu/test/ps-16/en/tshirts/1-faded-short-sleeves-tshirt.html


Demo 3: https://e-apps.eu/test/ps-16/en/tshirts/1-faded-short-sleeves-tshirt.html#/13-color-orange/2-size-m

What is the module link?

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