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jQuery - Sending "Select All" Check boxes with Multiple Forms


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I have checked online for a solution to pass my values for the checkbox **`"select all"`**. I have multiple forms in a page. So I will need to separate passing the values based on specific forms.


$(document).ready(function() {
$(".select-all").change(function () {
  $(this).siblings().prop('checked', $(this).prop("checked"));

HTML for form:

<div class="col">
    <form action="{$link->getLink('controller')|escape:'htmlall':'utf-8'}" method="post"> 
        {foreach from=$payment item=row}
        <input type="checkbox" name="payment[]" maxlength="50" value={$row.id_order}>
        <label> ID: <b>{$row.id_order}</b></label><br/>
        <input id="submit" name="submitpayment" type="submit" value="PACK ITEMS" class="button" />

**`Error (Value is empty):`**

input type="checkbox" class="select-all" name="payment[]" value=""

SQL query to pass records:

public function displayOrdersbyID()
$query1 = new DbQuery();
->where('c.name = ' . "'XXX'")
->where('s.name = ' . "'Payment accepted'");
$payment = Db::getInstance(_PS_USE_SQL_SLAVE_)->executeS($query1);
$this->context->smarty->assign( 'payment', $payment);


if (Tools::isSubmit('submitpayment')) { 
$ids= Tools::getValue('payment');

$query18 = new DbQuery();
->where('name = ' . "'Processing in progress'");
$updateinprogress = Db::getInstance()->getValue($query18);

foreach ($ids as $updateids) {
$objOrder = new Order($updateids);
$history = new OrderHistory();
$history->id_order = (int)$objOrder->id;
$history->id_employee = $cookie->id_employee;
$history->changeIdOrderState($updateinprogress, (int)($objOrder->id));

SELECT ALL checkbox:

<input type="checkbox" class="select-all" name="payment[]" value=
<label> SELECT ALL</label>

I was using the above code to create a SELECT ALL checkbox for the form, placing it outside the loop. I understand it is wrong and value is not passing, where should I place the checkbox at? If no records are passed, it will return the following error: 

Property OrderHistory->id_order_state is empty at line 909 in file classes/ObjectModel.php

Any guidance is appreciated.

Thank you.

Edited by Enthu86 (see edit history)
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