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Features position not applied neither from csv import, nor from admin setup


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Dear PS Developers,

I've got a problem about setting the correct position of features added to products in PS with the theme 'ap_sport_fashion'. When I set product features position correctly from CSV, and import it, the features position is not match what I set in the CSV (neither on admin, nor on shop's public site). I've tried to set positions on the admin's product features site, where all the features are available. It says, that it saved my new positions after dragging a feature below or above to another feature on the list, but I cannot see these changes on product data sheet also on admin, and on public. It would be the best, if I could set feature positions individually to every product in a category from CSV import.

Could you please help me, if this is a known bug, or something else that is need to be set in my backoffice?

Thank you, for your help!

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