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Two forms trough _postProcess()


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I made a simple module that stores some information in another table on database.

I have two forms, so I have two submit buttons the problem is:

When I submit form_1 the form_2 will submitted too and inserting empty records in my table.

In the private function _postProcess() i have:


$field1 = Tools::getValue('field1');
$field2 = Tools::getValue('field2');
$field3 = Tools::getValue('field3');

INSERT INTO '._DB_PREFIX_.'test (col1, col2, col3)
VALUES ("'.$field1.'","'.$field2.'","'.$field3.'")');


$get = Tools::getValue('get');

INSERT INTO '._DB_PREFIX_.'test2 (col)
VALUES ("'.$get.'")');

With these will work, but if I submit only one form the another will sent empty to table.

I tried to get with $_POST inside private function _postProcess()

private function _postProcess()
if (isset($_POST['submitA']))
$field1 = Tools::getValue('field1');
$field2 = Tools::getValue('field2');
$field3 = Tools::getValue('field3');

INSERT INTO '._DB_PREFIX_.'test (col1, col2, col3)
VALUES ("'.$field1.'","'.$field2.'","'.$field3.'")');
} elseif (isset($_POST['submitB']))
$get = Tools::getValue('get');

INSERT INTO '._DB_PREFIX_.'test2 (col)
VALUES ("'.$get.'")');

In form_1 my submit button have name and id = submitA

In form_2 my submit button have name and id = submitB

Looking another modules I found the function Tools::isSubmit(), i tried with the function but no success

private function _postProcess()
if (Tools::isSubmit('submitA'))
$field1 = Tools::getValue('field1');
$field2 = Tools::getValue('field2');
$field3 = Tools::getValue('field3');

INSERT INTO '._DB_PREFIX_.'test (col1, col2, col3)
VALUES ("'.$field1.'","'.$field2.'","'.$field3.'")');
} elseif (Tools::isSubmit('submitB'))
$get = Tools::getValue('get');

INSERT INTO '._DB_PREFIX_.'test2 (col)
VALUES ("'.$get.'")');

Anyone have an idea?


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Yes, my two fords are separated... but they have the same action="'.$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'].'".

I have:

form 1




form 2




Just now I realized that both forms don't have name or id.

Because the postProcess need to know who is calling the function... I'll try to upload my hole block.


Solved. I forgot to set both submit buttons on function getContent()

if ((Tools::isSubmit('submitA')) OR (Tools::isSubmit('submitB')))
   if (!sizeof($this->_postErrors))
       foreach ($this->_postErrors AS $err)
           $this->_html .= ''. $err .'';

Now I get one problem, when I fill one of three text input and press submit it gives me an error, ok, but what I filled comes empty on text input...

What's the difference between:

$myx = Tools::getValue('myx');


$myz = $_POST['myz'];

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