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Change theme's FOLDER NAME (directory name) PS 1.6

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Once I had had "theme-A" installed in folder named "theme-A" in 2 locations 1st on local computer and 2nd on remote serwer.  1st "theme-A" was identical to 2nd "theme-A".  Both installed on Prestashop 1.6

After a while 1st "theme-A" changed and became different from 2nd "theme-A". Now I want to transplant 1st local "theme-A"  and have it  on remote serwer as a "theme-B" in folder named "theme-B".

I get error when I try to export "theme-A" to foder "theme-B". While exporting I am only allowed to change theme's name but not folder name! There is no way to import such a ZIP file to folder "theme-B" it automatically goes to foler "theme-A" because there is no way to input different folder name.


--- Issue in brief on attached screenshots ---


Exporting theme - Prestashop

Edited by Andypshop
more to the point (see edit history)
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