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add hooks to cms pages in 1.7


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i am trying to add a module to a specific cms page

however cms pages don't let me run any smarty code  which mean i can't call any of my hooks.

like so:

{hook h='displayavis'}

i have seen solutions for 1.6 but they all revolve around editing cms.tpl which doesn't seem to exist in 1.7.


could anyone suggest a solution?


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To do that, you have to edit the \themes\yourtheme\templates\cms\page.tpl file.

Put that code anywhere you like.

If you just want that code to be show on a specific cms page, alert 6 as the cms page's ID. Use this code instead.

{if $cms.id==6}{hook h='displayavis'}{/if}




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On 6/12/2019 at 9:02 AM, Himanshubishtt said:


I am using Ps 1.7.2

Ex- I want to add a module services block module to a cms page id 4. How can I do it?

Thanks in advance

I guess that would only be something like

{if $cms.id==4}{hook h='displayServiceBlock_or_whatever_its_name_is'}{/if}
Edited by R.Shredder
oops (see edit history)
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