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Category change while importing CSV issue


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I can not change the main category of the product. Moved the store to PS In the course of the edits, I deleted the category and the products were attached to Home category. Now I'm trying to change the default category by uploading products with pointing the target category. As a result, the default category of the site remains the Home category, and the one that I point in the csv file is marked as additional.

I import the ID and Category (x, y, x ...) fields. The category is only one.

In PS 1.6, when importing categories, the default is specified as the first pointed in the Catedory field.

The question is important, because the default category in which the products are, is displayed on in the URLs, which are indexed by search engine.

Is it a bug or I am doing something wrong? How can I fix it?

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  • 10 months later...

Hi I have the same issue except I imported 48,000 products with there categories and subcategories. All was ok then I changed three subcategories and moved them under the same category name that was imported now all products except 345 are under the home default category. This happened twice. Not sure how to fix it. 

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