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Manual order on 1.7.2 cannot possible


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I have inserted some customers which can insert orders from cart.
But if I want insert a order from backoffice, this is impossible.
Selecting customer are not functioning! Any char inserted in search field dont react.
Some idea?


Ho inserito alcuni clienti che possono inserire ordini dal carrello.
Ma se voglio inserire un ordine dal backoffice, questo è impossibile.
La selezione del cliente non funziona! Qualsiasi carattere inserito nel campo di ricerca non avvia la ricerca.
Qualche idea?



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To assist with that, more information is required. To gather this information, please follow these steps:

  1. Enable debug mode in your store (Advanced Parameters  > Performance).
  2. In your browser press F12, it should open your browser's developers tools, then reload the page.
  3. Type the customer e-mail in the textbox, and observe the tab Console. If any message in red appear, please provide us with this message.
  4. Then in the Network tab, look for the request that contains "index.php?controller=AdminCustomers&token=ADMIN_TOKEN_HERE" in the URL. Right click on it, save it in your machine, then provide us with the generate file.


Best regards,
Web Development VIZO.

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  • 3 months later...

HI! I've the same issue!

When I digit chars on customer search, PS doesn't show any customer...

On console I've this two errors:

#1 Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected identifier

#1469: html_orders += '<a href="https://.../index.php?controller=AdminOrders&token=650e53ee8a4a4134f79762b4a5c22a70&id_order='+this.id_order+'&vieworder&liteDisplaying=1#" title="Vedi quest'ordine" class="fancybox btn btn-default"><i class="icon-search"></i>&nbsp;Dettagli</a>';


#2 Uncaught ReferenceError: currencies is not defined
    at index.php?controller=AdminOrders&addorder&token=650e53ee8a4a4134f79762b4a5c22a70:2179

#2179: currencies['2'] = '€';

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