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Product position inside category does not work - Prestashop


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I have problem with product position when I migrate from 1.6.x to 1.7.x


When I have one product associated in two categories then product position inside the category get confused. For example:

Product with ID 1269 is associated with Category:  http://mywebsite.com/18-CARS and when the product is associated with Category: http://mywebsite.com/CARS/87-TOOLS  then products Position inside category get confused only in category: http://mywebsite.com/18-CARS

Product positions inside: ps_category_product:   product 1268 position in category 18 -- > 101  ; product 1268 position in category 87 --> 1  . And the result is: product 1268 position inside category 87 --> 1 BUT in category 18 - POSITION 2

Examplehttp://dressqueen7.com/iskam222/18-zdrave-i-krasota   and http://dressqueen7.com/iskam222/87-четки-за-гримиране


I will attach screenshots of database and back office

Here is what I made:

1. Default order by: Position inside category  -  Default order method: Ascending

2. Disabled the module Category tree links v2.0.0 - by PrestaShop

3. Advanced Parameters --> Performance -->  Clear cache

4. Open the website with Chrome and IE edge

5. Tried to move and disable products inside the category

6. I checked database - all looks good.


None of this helped :( 


The problem occurs with all products which are associated in 2 consecutive categories

database ps_category_product.jpg



FO category 18.jpg

BO positions in category 18.jpg

BO positions in category 87.jpg

FO category 87.jpg

Edited by diyan1234 (see edit history)
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If I understand correctly your issue, when I updated from ps to positions inside each category where confused and all categories had position assigned to "1". I disabled all categories and then enabled them again. Then all categories had assigned correct positions.

I hope it helps!

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try to

  1. Upgarde the newest version of prestashop ( for me)
  2. Disable module ps_facetedsearch
  3. Put on Backoffice -> Preferences -> Products -> pagination (like screenshot )
  4. Delete cache  from browser and ftp folder
  5. Enable ps_facetedsearch 

finally it works for me :) image.thumb.png.19b4b9698396d32bf42ed9232ba93d0f.png

Edited by nawres (see edit history)
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