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Carriers list error on check out when products from different warehouses


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If I try to buy many products from warehouse A then all of available carriers for that warehouse is shown.



If I try to buy one product from warehouse A and second product from warehouse B, then at check out only two delivery options is shown. If I change speed grade to 0 for all carriers, then only one option is shown.



In addition:

I use Advanced stock management

I have 2 warehouses


Warehouse A has 3 carriers



Warehouse B has 1 carrier



My carriers




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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello gadnis,

It seems to be a configuration issue. Have you tried to enable the carrier that do not display when the product from Warehouse B is in the cart as well and check if it appears in the check out? If it does not, you have to review product's specific carriers, carrier's zone, etc...


Best Regards,
Web Development VIZO.

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