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single product price in discount list


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Hey guys,


I`m using Presta (update in the next days) and I try to change the discount list a bit.

I´ve added a new cell for the single price of the product and added the price by {$product.price}.

My problem is, if the customer types in 50 at the quantity field, the single price is changing like on the top of the product. But the single price in the discount list has to stay. And chance to find out which code I could use to realize that?


My code now is:

<table class="table-product-discounts">
          <th>{l s='Quantity' d='Shop.Theme.Catalog'}</th>
        {foreach from=$product.quantity_discounts item='quantity_discount' name='quantity_discounts'}
          <tr data-discount-type="{$quantity_discount.reduction_type}" data-discount="{$quantity_discount.real_value}" data-discount-quantity="{$quantity_discount.quantity}">

And here a small screenshot how it looks at the moment: post-724192-0-20848600-1507128351_thumb.jpg


Hopefully someone can help me a bit with this. Thank you very much.

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