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Prestashop 1.7 order module problem


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I am trying to adapt a module for review-opinion system to work with 1.7 The  module was provided by the review service, but it is for 1.6.
The module  should be called on order confirmation page and send the order ID, customer email, and product list to the specified externar service.
The first issue was The hook it was trying to attach to. "hookdisplayOrderConfirmation"
The one tat seemed to be called during confirmation window was "hookdisplayOrderConfirmation2" so I changed that. But there is another issue, The module seems to be getting data from:

$order = $params['objOrder']

objOrder seems to not exist, I see on the prestashop build notes that it was replaced by "order" 
But replacing it still gives me "Undefined index: order" error.

Can anyone point me in proper direction how can this be fixed? The providers of original module told me to "contact the author of your store software" which is idiotic, but I kind of DO want to get that module working. 

Edited by markoatonc (see edit history)
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