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About the End of Life of Prestashop 1.6.x


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I've read the blog posts:

Version 1.6 roadmap
PrestaShop has entered maintenance mode since the release of PrestaShop 1.7, in November 2016.
We plan on keeping supporting it for two years, until October 2018.
We want to release monthly “patch” (bugfix) releases until



So, when will be the estimate date of the End Of Life of the Prestashop 1.6.x series?


For example, in PHP, we have a excelent graphic about the releases and the support from the PHP site:




Symfony has a similar table:




What about Prestashop?

Many thanks.


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20 hours ago, It's over... said:

It's over. One more month until PHP 7.1 is end-of-life and the only working Prestashop version is not compatible with the new PHPs. Module updates on Addons are unavailable. The only thing we can do is migrate to Magento....

the only thing?  very narrow minded, don't understand the love for 1.6 when 1.7 is far superior.  I hope you have big budget for your magento project, we do all sorts of ecommerce work different platforms, before jumping to magento wait for adobe to fix it first lol.

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Well, i think that the user @It's over... is only a simple a single troll..

He not give any reason for this comment..

En 22/10/2019 a las 4:02 PM, El Patron dijo:
  En 21/10/2019 a las 7:28 PM, It's over... dijo:

It's over. One more month until PHP 7.1 is end-of-life and the only working Prestashop version is not compatible with the new PHPs. Module updates on Addons are unavailable. The only thing we can do is migrate to Magent


I agree that, really, the unsupport of the last version of PHP, is a really bad new for the Prestashop Ecosystem; but, according to the roadmap of PHP:




For the moment, PHP 7.1 has support for security updates; and, of course, i think that if, passed 1 jan 2020, will appears a major security issue, the php team will fix that on PHP 7.1

I have on the same server two Prestashop versions; PS 1.6 last, and PS 1.7 last; with PHP 7.1; and it's very easy to configure and get running this versions.




The solution is very easy; add the Sury repo to the sources list of your debian based distro, and, simply, apt install php7.1-common and  additional necessary or related modules (in my case, i use php as php-fpm with nginx).

Do you want more versions? Simply; add more php-fpm separate instances, with your PHP desired version... It's a bad approach for the performance, but, you can have more than one PHP version on the same server.

(Or, ideally, use Docker and docker-composer 😎)

About Prestashop 1.7; i think that the refactor is not completed yet, for use the Symfony Components and discard the Legacy Core of the old Prestashop versions; i think that, right now, we have a "mixed" version, of Sf components + Legacy code; i don't like this very much... But it works (for the moment).
There are more important problems; the not use/existence of transations (or a transactional engine), the not use of relations on the database, etc.

About Magento; i think that there are several "levels" of ecommerce solutions; Prestashop is the right choice for an entry and medium level; Magento, it's for medium and highest levels; and, for shops with a lot of products, languages, options, very extensive catalogs, .. The best solution is build your own solution (based on symfony components, for example).

At the highest levels, the problem isn't the ecommerce solution; the problem is how manage the logistic, the warehouses, ETAs, and so on; in one single word; ERP.

And how connect it (in the more simple case, one ERP... in other scenarios, more than one..), to the ecommerce solution.

Magento has connectors for a lot of ERP solutions; but, Prestashop has too...

And Magento, is a monster in terms of performance, etc.

One related reading:
(only in spanish, so sorry)

There are a lot of technologies, more than PHP and LAMP/LEMP stack; Python/Django, Ruby/RoR, Java/Spring, .... PHP is not the only World 
One problem has more than one best solution. The ecommerce (prestashop, magento, ..), is only a tool. Don't forget it.

PD: if you need help to work with multiple PHP versions, or, with docker + PHP + prestashop, feel free to contact me.





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Hey, we do magento, but 5-10x budget of PS lol.  As mentioned if anyone can fix magento it will be adobe but you better wait until they do.

as for php levels, this is a scare tactic, pushes people to upgrades that are not needed.  boo php 5.6 is unsupported, ps 1.6 end of life....boo boo!  There is NO reason to panic and upgrade 'anything' based on php/ps end of life.  

Upgrades should be done to capture new feature, improve performance etc.  But scare does create more business for agencies however. 

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