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confirmOrder void button in final step of purchase process.


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looks like a missing translation.

since when do you have this?


Scully, you may well be right.

I translated the strings nearby the button myself, in file order-payment-classic.tpl: when I found {l s='String'} I translated the 'String' part to the language I needed.

I searched the full Prestashop code for <button id="confirmOrder" and didn't find anything. I Don't find where that string is missing from.

I don't know If I should be translating order-payment-classic.tpl neither, I just saw that translating that file's strings fixed the inconsistency in the interface's languge (English text in a Spanish only site).

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Your way of translating is changing the contents of the .tpl - file, is this correct?

If yes, it's the complete wrong way.


Translations should be made via backoffice - localization - translation. If you change the .tpl files, keys (original texts) needed go missing.

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Scully, thank you for claryfing my complete wrongness.
I first tried using the back office as you mention, but my hosting has max_input_vars set to 1000, and the translation tools needs it set to a minimum of 3450, so the tool didn't load.


Now I'll ask my host to change the max_input_vars limit, restore the original .tpl and use the back-office translation tool.
Hope this time everything works correctly.

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