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Property Product->link_rewrite length () must be between 0 and 128

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Prestashop:      v

Error:                Property Product->name length (171) must be between 0 and 128



I'm getting the error message above when importing product csv. I've followed the steps shared in this thread, but I can't find "link_rewrite -> size" or "name -> size" in  admin/classes/product.php  Are the two no longer in product.php? If not, is the database changes all that is needed? or there are additional steps for v1.6.1.15?


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Your subject and the error say different things


The error says the product NAME, not link_rewrite...

Property Product->name length (171) must be between 0 and 128


Well, the solution provided in that link (for the error message in the subject line) also mentioned link_rewrite. Since I couldn't find it - I felt it was worth asking so I don't have to come back for it again. Anyways, it's all taken care of now. 

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