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Vad har fixats och vad är nytt? Du kan läsa mer här:- Back Office:  - New feature:    - #8080: Translations confirmation modal    - #7808: Add tooltips on product's combination image    - #8031: Placeholder width in declination page    - #8027: Currencies live exchanges rates upload    - #7910: Can translate submenu tab!    - #7865: Fix redirect payment module retrieving good category  - Improvement:    - #8096: Add ids to recommended-payment & carriers & others    - #8098: Wording update for 1.7.2 catalog    - #8004: Fix displayed combination creation field    - #8008: Clean AdminProductsController    - #7911: Fix style of selected customer in product page    - #7835: Translations page rework & Stock management    - #7956: Remove length validation from ISBN field    - #7972: 1.7.2 wording update - BO + FO    - #7980: Fix html tags to get the current ISO country code    - #7942: Code Optimization    - #7933: Add translation domains to more BO templates    - #7820: Improve tag tips in product page    - #7887: Allow filtering of modules by display name inside the translations controller    - #7882: Add translations domains to BO templates    - #7613: Add new hooks to admin product page    - #7839: Add sprintf check constraint on translations    - #7834: Use most used tax for product creation on BO    - #7863: Add firstname & lastname on address form    - #7784: Complete category tooltip in Product Page    - #7735: Add translation domains to order templates    - #7706: Rewrite string to translate it more easily    - #7715: Change text tooltip in SEO    - #7618: Update addons authentication form  - Bug fix:    - #8161: Fix reset translation button    - #8074: Fix authorization panel    - #8129: Fix translations behavior    - #8135: Last wording update for 1.7.2.x    - #8093: Fix stock management filters    - #8094: Fix stock datepicker    - #8119: Fix the display of placeholder in combinations tab    - #8076: Fix upgrade button with update from disk    - #8107: Fix module enabling when ~ in theme.yml    - #8085: Fix JS event thrown on module uninstall    - #8106: Fix the upload quota for the product image    - #8120: Update catalog    - #8109: Fix the weird syntax in customer information page    - #8095: Feedback on translation page    - #8077: Revert Stock to singular    - #8068: Stock Management fixes    - #8065: Feedback on translation page    - #8054: Fix api category tree    - #8059: Fix missing use in ModuleDataUpdater    - #8052: Fix strings for specific price rules    - #7939: Fix the categories tree    - #8003: Fixed import store in backoffice    - #8044: Fix the conversion_rate in the order_payment table    - #8045: GSA quick fixes    - #8039: Translations feedback    - #7934: Fix float conversion from strings using comma as decimal separator    - #8041: Feedback stock management    - #8024: Fix legacy submenu laptop    - #8016: Display module confirm uninstall message    - #8014: Show Duplicate option when multishop selected    - #8007: Update Country in Store Contacts CSV File    - #7983: Add discount to cart    - #7853: Fix selecting category for product    - #7923: Fix displayed price on cart (HT/TTC)    - #7989: "Slightly" improve performance on Modules > notifications tab    - #7987: Fallback datepicker if needed    - #7978: Update diplayed module count on successful uninstall    - #7922: Fix redirection when filtering in attribute's value    - #7916: Fix min width to select filters    - #7964: Fix flush of local cache when adding a new specific price    - #7698: Unable to unselect the last  image associated to a combination    - #7894: Fix bug when having more than three product image    - #7955: Don't get admin notifications while it's all disabled    - #7957: Add Missing space    - #7951: Fix displayed shortcut in product page    - #7937: Add missing simple quote in Design -> Images view    - #7932: Fix fatal on order page    - #7921: Fix trans errors of old translation page    - #7903: Fix moving module from a hook to another one    - #7837: Image not displayed in BO when creating new store    - #7898: Merge PRs from 1.7.1.x    - #7861: Bug with override AdminProductsController    - #7864: Fix recommended modules popup on legacy BO    - #7875: Fix datepicker design    - #7817: Introduce tinymce constraint & fixed short_description length    - #7809: No order notification message was wrong    - #7792: Remove all bourbon deprecations    - #7777: Make module actions translatable    - #7763: Updated path in maintenance message    - #7623: Avoid silencious fail of simple category creation from product form    - #7680: Fixed javascript bug on form submission    - #7662: Fix show currency name in tab "Catalog Price Rules" for option "All currencies"    - #7590: Fix bug on uploading too large images- Front Office:  - New feature:    - #7833: Added message delivery information on checkout process  - Improvement:    - #8034: Apache rules for .woff2 font files    - #7998: Format error message    - #7990: Remove banner hidden class for mobile device    - #7564: Enabling category canonical redirection    - #7780: Allow to define module front controllers layout    - #7661: Update wording cart-detailed-actions.tpl    - #7566: Send response data to emitted events    - #7521: Consistency & additionnal infos    - #7554: Allow HTML in notifications    - #7688: Introduce new hooks for main wrapper    - #7880: Feat/classic improvements    - #7836: Harmonization of Brand name variable - wording    - #7813: Close thumbs modal when area under thumbs is clicked    - #7020: Improve front-end accessibility    - #7681: Improve readability on Classic theme  - Bug fix:    - #8142: Fix the price update on quantity change on cart    - #8121: Limit the description's image by the size of description's frame    - #8132: Fix the height of the "Show password" button    - #8088: Auto width for the selector on product page    - #8012: Show the forbiden message on product page    - #8040: Wrong close of 'product_tabs' {block} in product.tpl    - #7959: Empty customization ID after adding to cart    - #8009: Remove contact form after submit    - #8036: Fix cart front    - #8005: Fix legal compliance in footer in mobile display    - #8010: Make the edit link translatable    - #7952: Add class selected to selected address    - #8019: Missing product-flag class on product miniature    - #8006: Fix classic responsive    - #7992: Fix refresh availability of product    - #7994: Optimize search::find queries    - #7816: Order in catalog for calculate vouchers     - #7926: Fix mobile style toggling    - #7909: Wording checkout delivery    - #7907: Edit address for a Guest    - #7866: Fixed full size order-item table    - #7796: Fix address form Ajax refresh    - #7602: Let translate the edit label on order checkout- Core:  - New feature:    - #8053: Add theme configurator translation & update catalog    - #7760: Allow free order    - #7889: Introduce module self configurator feature    - #7825: Handle multishop in console commands    - #7778: Remove lang dependancies for module manager and add cli command    - #7840: Add command to check duplicates in translation catalog    - #7567: Introduce release script  - Improvement:    - #7941: Add total amount TTC in credit slip    - #7523: Change all OrderController private methods and var to protected    - #7304: Fixed processChangeProductInCart method    - #7931: Update comments of Validate class    - #7678: Disable php in the "img" directory    - #7827: Fix spelling from conversation to conversion rate.    - #7912: Increase carrier delay length    - #7899: Refactoring naming    - #5082: Override admin and front controllers of modules    - #7871: Failure during module catalog fetch do not throw an exception anymore    - #7666: Use HTTPS where available in README.md    - #7606: Updates README.md file.  - Bug fix:    - #8118: Extract theme with default translation in any language    - #8101: Fix the tab permissions when only one profile    - #8103: Fix get attributes in order presenter    - #8124: Remove Finder from depency injection    - #8108: Fix update prefix sql    - #8070: Module tab registration must check filenames    - #8056: Fix type of errors variable in module configuration feature    - #8058: Fix missing @Template annotation created by refactoring    - #8047: License, composer, catalog, assets    - #8028: Update regex for tab registration    - #7996: Fix product with combinations auto-indexation    - #7984: Fix module loading for upgrade process and version displayed    - #7966: Use the right array index while getting controller tab name    - #7862: Throw module events right after each action and remove reset    - #7962: Fix wrong keys for cache    - #7557: Increase size of the hours column in PREFIX_store db table    - #7965: Allow .ico to /img, provide error server    - #7936: Fix value giftWrapping in OrderPresenter.php    - #7563: Update customerExists function in Customer.php    - #7915: Rethrow an exception instead of calling die when there is an erro…    - #7914: Changed SearchController extend to allow override    - #7904: Initialize getSynopsisDetails() output as an array instead of ''    - #7811: Display the login form after an failed authentication    - #7838: Return empty array instead of false.    - #7872: Display translated strings properly in SF debugger!    - #7852: Improve upgrade command    - #7611: Removed setSortOption in ProductSearchQuery    - #7609: Removed return duplication from search provider- Installer:  - New feature:    - #7744: Adding 5 languages to the installer (SK, UK, ET, EL, FI)  - Improvement:    - #7977: Drop unused fields from ps_product_lang  - Bug fix:    - #8087: Translate fixtures with CLI install    - #8049: Reflect new Finnish tax rate in tax rule group names    - #8055: Fix update sql for upgrade    - #7981: Fix upgrade from very old versions    - #8018: URL update for installer    - #7993: Avoid INSTALL_PATH re-define error    - #7879: Set allow_url_fopen mandatory    - #7832: Fix install/upgrade/upgrade.php for php-5.4 syntax    - #7601: Use new module name for OrderState creation- Web Services:  - Bug fix:    - #7664: Retrieve text only from selected customization    - #5352: Fix webservice unit_price_ratio set to 0- Localization:  - New feature:    - #7828: New localization packs - DZ, KR, MA, ZA  - Improvement:    - #7949: India states update    - #8000: Install Deutsch instead of Deutsch CH for Switzerland    - #7696: Update colombian tax rate    - #7818: Replace EN (US) by EN (UK) in UK localization pack



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