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Registered customer - last visit: never

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I have a customer who has registered and placed his first order.

When I go to see his details, there is no IP or referrer information. Additionally, there is Last visit: never.

How is that possible?


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Do you have the "Data mining for statistics" module install in the Stats section of the Modules tab? On the Stats > Settings tab, do you have "Clean automatically" set to something other than "Never"?

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Data mining for statistics is installed. Clean automatically is set to "Year".

Other customers' "last visit" is displayed correctly.

It's a new shop (2 months old), version (if that's relevant).

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The customer registered, ordered a product and I see no IP or time of last visit.
It could be JS, I also saw that funny things start happening if you turn off cookies (private browsing).

Anyway, thank you for a fast reply rocky!

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  • 4 years later...

The customer registered, ordered a product and I see no IP or time of last visit.

It could be JS, I also saw that funny things start happening if you turn off cookies (private browsing).


Anyway, thank you for a fast reply rocky!

It's really funny because it's happening to me too, and it's even funnier because i created another prestashop(clean) and it shows, with the same modules installed and configuration :wacko:


Any solution? I really need it, because i need to remove inactive customers

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  • 2 years later...
Ps_guest table should contain all member IDs. I manually added the records for all of my customers and there was no problem.


Sample insert:


only change id_customer value


INSERT INTO `ps_guest`(`id_operating_system`, `id_web_browser`, `id_customer`, `javascript`, `screen_resolution_x`, `screen_resolution_y`, `screen_color`, `sun_java`, `adobe_flash`, `adobe_director`, `apple_quicktime`, `real_player`, `windows_media`, `accept_language`, `mobile_theme`) VALUES (0, 0, 19, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 0);

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