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overrides in 1.7

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I have a module for 1.6 and I want to upgrade it to 1.7. My module uses 3-4 overrides and form I have read so far is confusing.


Is the override system gone at 1.7 or not? The documentation mentions that I should use hooks, but what should I do when I have to replace some existing core functionality? 



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Yes, that is what I found. It is not very useful.


In this case the question is hwo should I use a hook if I do not want to run the original core code? For example there is a hook for pdf generation of invoices but I want to completely change it without running the core function.

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some parts of core still can be overrided.

you mentioned about pdf, this controller can be overrided, class too.


Can be or is this the reccommended way for this? I should change my code so I would prefer to do something what will be ok for a longer period of time.

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If you intend to sell this module/customization, then avoid overrides, as PS addons will likely reject the module, unless there is very good reason to allow them.


Without knowing the exact details of what you want to accomplish, how can someone answer what the correct or recommended way is to do something.  We don't even know if this customization will be used only by you, or if you intend to sell/distribute this customization.

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I have a module what overrides prestashop bult-in invoicing system, as it is not meet the hungarian invoicing requirements.


When someone would like to see an invoice (from BO  or FO) my module should generate the pdf invoice. 


For this the current version overrides HTMLTemplateInvoice.php and AdminPdfController.php


I want to get rid of these overrides.

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