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Looking for a module for upload of multiple and use of custom OG:images for each product

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As my shop is using about a 4:5 aspect ratio for product images using these for the OG:images for Facebook they get displayed in small versions no matter size. I would like to make use of the whole max 1200x630 available and use custom made images for each product.


As of now I've manually uploaded custom images through FTP and hard-coded with conditional logic for these to be used as OG:imags for each product...which is a rather ugly solution and a insanely time consuming.


I've been looking, but haven't found any yet, does anyone know if is there a module available which either:


- makes it possible to upload and set custom OG images per product, totally separated from the regular product images?

- or that allows for additional product meta information that I can used for display in the header. Maybe something like the HTML Box but that allows for a "box" to be created for each product.



Thanks in advances, 


Edited by amtmt (see edit history)
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