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Building Products Piece By Piece


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I'm investigating ecommerce solutions that can provide the following functionality:


- Allow users to login and build products piece by piece; e.g., with colours and accessories, rather than having to sift through a large catalogue for the exact product (out of dozens of similar ones) they want.

- Allow users to save their 'constructions' in a way that persists with their account, whether or not they make a purchase on a particular login.

- Give users an elegant experience on desktop and mobile.

- Allow the seller to specify three levels of shipping options --- the seller's home country, home continent, and other.

- Give the seller (who is not a developer) an easy-to-use UI for modifying the product catalogue.

- Be rock-solid and well-supported.


From my investigation to date, it seems like the first point is the most difficult for an ecommerce platform to satisfy, since the site will be more than just a window into a product catalogue that a user will manually sift through. (This means that the seller isn't interested in building a site from a pre-existing theme).


Is PrestaShop a viable solution that satisfies all of these requirements? Any information (pro or con) would b greatly appreciated.


Thank you.

Edited by sgreylyn (see edit history)
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