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Problem Integration Customer Reviews Google Merchant Center

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Problem Integration Customer Reviews Google Merchant Center
I encounter a problem when I try to integrate the module of the survey acceptance function of Google Reviews.
The integration of the badge does not pose any problems in contrast to the integration of the acceptance function.
I need to enter this code on the order confirmation page.
I placed my code on the page "OrderConfirmationController.php"
Echo '<script src = "https://apis.google.com/js/platform.js?onload=renderOptIn" async defer> </ script>

Window.renderOptIn = function () {';
Echo "window.gapi.load ('surveyoptin', function () {
window.gapi.surveyoptin.render (
{ ";
Echo '"merchant_id": XXXXXXX,
"Order_id": "<? Php echo $ order_id?>",
"Email": "<? Php echo $ email_address?>",
"Delivery_country": "<? Php echo $ user_country?>",
"Estimated_delivery_date": "<? Php echo $ delivery_date?>",
"Opt_in_style": "BOTTOM_LEFT_DIALOG"
</ Script>

Window .___ gcfg = {';
Echo "lang: 'en'
</ Script> ";


I encounter 3 problems:
- The block is not displayed (when placing an order).
- Error: delivery_country should be a CLDR code of length 2!
- Error: Invalid estimated_delivery_date. Make sure the date format is YYYY-MM-DD
In Prestashop the locations are managed with "ISO" mode, but is it possible to perform
A conversion to CLDR or other?
For the date, I specified in my file the format YYYY-MM-DD yet he does not want it.
Thank you in advance for your help.
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