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APC Caching - No products in some categories


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PS, enabled APC caching, but products in some categories are empty and shows when switched to File system. Disabled the blocklayered module but the problem still.



Anyone had faced the same or any solutions?



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If you are using latest PS 1.6. versions over php 5.4., you should disable the Caching options like APC, xCache, etc. These are old php modules which are obsolet and added to a better and speedier form direct to php core as opcache. The use of boths is not possible. So please check which php-version you are using and if it is over 5.4. disable the APC cache.

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Yes, as I told you. You cannot use old caching system with new caching system. All php versions over 5.4.+ have already opcache (cache version) included on the package. This also applies for php7.


All php versions UNDER 5.4 were using extra caching modules like APC, xCache and others. Maintain APC disabled on back-office. You don't need this, besides it does not work.

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