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Fatal error: Class 'Tools' not found when install

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When I want to install prestashop V1.7. It show:


Fatal error: Class 'Tools' not found in /home/wwwroot/www.testtest.com/config/config.inc.php on line 52


and if i just open install url. It show:


Fatal error: Class 'Tools' not found in /home/wwwroot/www.testtest.com/testtestnew/config/defines_uri.inc.php on line 68


And I have check the classes/Tools.php is exist. 


on the config.inc.php on line 52: code is as below:





on the defines_uri.inc.php on line 68: code is as below:

Tools::safeDefine('_PS_API_DOMAIN_', 'api.prestashop.com');


Why Class Tools can't work right?

I also try to set chmod 777 to all files. But it still don't work OK. 


Is there any matter with the php version? Please someone help me. Thanks!

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