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Il faut créer un override de indexcontroller.php


Ensuite dans ce fichier, voici un exemple pour générer des produits selon un ID de catégorie :

class IndexController extends IndexControllerCore
	public function init()

$this->home_category = new Category($id_category, $this->context->language->id);
$this->nbProducts = $this->home_category->getProducts(null, null, null, $this->orderBy, $this->orderWay, true);
$this->pagination((int)$this->nbProducts); // Pagination must be call after "getProducts"
$this->cat_products = $this->home_category->getProducts($this->context->language->id, (int)$this->p, (int)$this->n, $this->orderBy, $this->orderWay);

'HOOK_HOME' => Hook::exec('displayHome'),
'HOOK_HOME_TAB' => Hook::exec('displayHomeTab'),
'HOOK_HOME_TAB_CONTENT' => Hook::exec('displayHomeTabContent'),
'nb_products' => $this->nbProducts,
'products'=> $this->cat_products

Bon courage

Edited by Christophe Boix (see edit history)
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J'ai trouvé, voici la correction du code :


      $this->home_category = new Category($id_category, $this->context->language->id);
      $this->nbProducts = $this->home_category->getProducts(null, null, null, $this->orderBy, $this->orderWay, true);
      $this->pagination((int)$this->nbProducts); // Pagination must be call after "getProducts"
      $this->cat_products = $this->home_category->getProducts($this->context->language->id, (int)$this->p, (int)$this->n, $this->orderBy, $this->orderWay);

          'HOOK_HOME' => Hook::exec('displayHome'),
          'HOOK_HOME_TAB' => Hook::exec('displayHomeTab'),
          'HOOK_HOME_TAB_CONTENT' => Hook::exec('displayHomeTabContent'),
          'nb_products' => $this->nbProducts,
          'products'=> $this->cat_products

Que je met dans initContent.

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  • 8 months later...
  • 4 months later...
Hello !

I try to display the data of a single product (selection by its id 32) on my homepage, i'm on PS 1.7.3.

I already managed to display the title and the short description via the FrontController:

Public static function getProductName ($ id) {
$ langID = Context :: getContext () -> language-> id;
$ product = new Product ($ id, false, $ langID);

echo ($ product-> name);

public static function getProductDescription ($ id) {
$ langID = Context :: getContext () -> language-> id;
$ product = new Product ($ id, false, $ langID);

echo ($ product-> description_short);

and calling the variables like that in my tpl:

{FrontController :: getProductName (32)}
{FrontController :: getProductDescription (32)}

It works, but I don't know how to display the image (cover) and features. Is it possible in the same way?

Thanks for help :)
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