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Guest account to customer account

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Hi All,


I see that this topic has been mentioned several times, but I can't see why there is no simple solution, unless I just can't find it.


We have recently activated guest accounts because the powers that be want it. They think that it is a burden on the customer to have to create an account, whereas the only difference I see is that they don't have to fill in a password.


So, I now have a customer that checked out using a guest account (day before yesterday) and today created a customer account. That obviously means that when using the customer account they cannot see their purchase history.


I was under the impression that by deleting the customer account, and upgrading the guest account to customer, and providing a password, the whole issue would be put to rest. (what I mean by that is adding them to the customer group and setting the default group to customer). But no, I am now told that there is an authentication error.


so my question is: is there an easy way to convert a guest account to a customer account?





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