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Customer message on checkout delivery?


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In version i missing a feature what i liked/used in ZC and osC

In the chekout process on delivery step a need a field for customer message about the shipping option.


How can i add it and how to show it on

- checkout success information page

- in admin area order detail page / invoice view / etc.


In themes\classic\templates\checkout\_partials\steps\shipping.tpl

added this before the delivery step button


<div id="ordermsg" class="form-group">
          <label>{l s='Megjegyzés a rendeléshez:'}</label>
          <textarea id="msgbox" class="form-control" cols="60" rows="6" name="message">{if isset($message)}{$message|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}{/if}</textarea>
I can see it, i can write into but when i step to payment and back the textarea is empty.
After finish the order process the $order['messages'] is empty array
I found this in the forum:
if (Tools::isSubmit('message')) { $this->_updateMessage(Tools::getValue('message')); }
But when i added this to controllers\front\OrderController.php postProcess() function or even CheckoutDeliveryStep() the site is stop working
So, how can i store the customer message and how can i get bact to use it on the page where i want?


Thanks for any help!

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