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Position in categorie - Drag&Drop bug


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I think i found a bug. The position of a product in the category is not saved in the database even if you get the "succesfull" message in the back office.


Let me explain the situation.

- In the back office, you go to catalog > products (apologise if titles arent correct. my install is in Dutch).

- When the page is loaded you get a list of ALL your product

- Check Filter on category and select a category.

- Drag & drop a product and F5 or refresh you page, you'll see that the position is saved. Everthing is working correctly.

- Go to an other page in the back office or just click products menu item (catalog > product) again. Click it, dont refresh/f5.

- Now when you get back on the product page you still see the option filter on category is checked and you see ONLY the products in that category.

- Drag & drop a product again and refresh. You'll now see that the new position isnt saved in the database even when you get the successfull message.


So what is the problem?

The display doesn't belong to the URL.

In fact if you have checked filter on category the first time, your URL changed into index.php?controller=AdminProducts&conf=4&token=tokennumber&id_category=catnumber

When you click on products again (category > products) the URL changing back to index.php?controller=AdminProducts&conf=4&token=tokennumber but your display is still the filter on category. You can drag and drop what you want or keep refreshing, the page is missing the category number so the position change won't save.

To get you id_category back in your URL, you have 2 options:

1. uncheck and recheck/select filter on category and a category again

2. select an other category (and if you want select the previous category again)


Is this bug already reported and/or how can this be fixed?

Edited by lwdsmedia (see edit history)
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Also, I might add, nobody from prestashop will ever answer your issue. Prestashop is a broken company it appears. There was a time some years ago when the staff actually cared enough about the community to at the very least offer a word advice. No longer.

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