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How to manage the featured products frontpage

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Dear Members,


I've got a prestashop 1.6 and was working with my page SEO. I found out that the boxes on the frontpage those with featured / new / populair products not only contains a title/image/price. But there is also a description in my source code.


When I look at the page source the div with the product description is called: 

<p class="product-desc" itemprop="description">


But I can't find the right files to delete this row to make my front page SEO more clean.

I was searching in this file, but could not find it: modules/homefeatured/homefeatured.php


Does anyone knows the awnser??

It will help me alot!


Kind regards,



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Thank you for the help!


But when I delete this line in the file: product-list.tpl


<p class="product-desc" itemprop="description">
And I clear the cache, go to my frontpage. The product description is still there in the source code.
I use the default free template*
This is my store, plz keep the spaces: www.siga retten doos je.nl
So there must be a other file that has effect on the front populair/new  products?
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