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feature_product query white screen


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When a product page is opened a white screen is the result. When emptying the feature-_product all goes well. But when the table is filled with about 13.000 product features (6 different product features for 2.500 products) it goes wrong. I already added SQL_BIG_SELECTS=1 to the connection. Phpadmin returns the query in [Query took 0.0015 sec] so it doesn't seem like a big query. Any ideas?

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In the class Product.php this query is causing the white screen:

static public function getFrontFeaturesStatic($id_lang, $id_product)
   return Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS('
   SELECT name, value, pf.id_feature
   FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'feature_product pf
   LEFT JOIN '._DB_PREFIX_.'feature_lang fl ON (fl.id_feature = pf.id_feature AND fl.id_lang = '.intval($id_lang).')
   LEFT JOIN '._DB_PREFIX_.'feature_value_lang fvl ON (fvl.id_feature_value = pf.id_feature_value AND fvl.id_lang = '.intval($id_lang).')
   WHERE pf.id_product = '.intval($id_product));

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