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Default Theme PS 1.7 Image size


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The size of the demo pictures in the default theme is 779x448px. However, this size is too small because the slider is enlarged up to 1110px in width. Therefore the pictures are enlarged as well and become blurry.


My recommendation for the slider images is 1110x640px.

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After doing some tests I found the best size is 1110px x 511px... but when you add the following into stylesheet.css, to enable the slider in mobile:


@media (max-width: 767px){
.carousel.hidden-sm-down {
    display: block!important;
.carousel .carousel-inner{

- first the slider also appears bigger on desktop (not an issue);

- second, whatever the image height, you will always have the bottom part of the slider (5 to 10%) without the image, because if you enlarge the image heigth, the slider will enlarge the same way...


But I wonder: is it on purpose Prestashop don´t dispay by default the slider on mobile (eg, to make it faster/more light), or what??

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But I wonder: is it on purpose Prestashop don´t dispay by default the slider on mobile (eg, to make it faster/more light), or what??


I think the reason is that the slider images get small and if they contain some text it becomes unreadable. But I agree that there are many people who want to display the slider anyway.

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ty for info and answer i will try, 

but -> Yet another example of how lazy PS 1.7 was developed. They just reused the old slider images from 1.6, regardless if they fit or not into the new layout. 


the real height is 314px height right?




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ty for info and answer i will try, 

but -> Yet another example of how lazy PS 1.7 was developed. They just reused the old slider images from 1.6, regardless if they fit or not into the new layout. 


the real height is 314px height right?




The default height of the slider is 340px.

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Yes, you are right. My bad. I just checked again and it is 340px. But my advice would be to overirde this limitation and just set the height to auto.


Yes, I agree with you, the setting height:auto; is much better.


One important note about how to enable the slider on mobile phones.

1. your code is correct, but it is not enough. It looks like it works on a computer. But in fact on phones the slider will not be included in the HTML at all; therefore not visible.

2. you have to go to Back office > Modules > Installed modules > search for "images slider" and in the select box choose "allow for mobile".


And only after that the slider will be loaded on phones.

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