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can not loggin in admin panel of prestashop when i installed it on my new virtual server running ubuntu


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Hi everyone, i have just installed prestashop on my new virtual server running Ubuntu with php 5.2.10, Apache/2.2.12, MySQL 5.1.37. The frontend is working fine but when i try to loggin into the admin panel it looks like is trying to authenticate my username/password but aftler a couple of seconds it redirects me back to the logging area to insert again my email and password. Does anyone have any idea why this is happening. Iam guessing that i might have missed some modules of apache or php that prestashop might require.

I have also noticed that in the login.php page the following code :

/* Redirect to admin panel */
if (isset($_GET['redirect']))
$url = strval($_GET['redirect'].(isset($_GET['token']) ? ('&token;='.$_GET['token']) : ''));
$url = 'index.php';

Aflter some digging i found out that my credentias are sent throught the network but as a response from the server
i get a message where it says that it has failed to load the source code for the following url :

Does anyone know if this has to do with the configuration of my server variables or where should i start looking.
Do you know any kind of troubleshoot guide or any other kind of refference

Please give a clue to where this problem might have occured from.

Thanks in advance.

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