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Change content of order confirmation e-mails

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I noticed that the order confirmation e-mail which the customer receives (order_conf.html), is different than the order confirmation e-mail the shop owner receives (new_order.html of the "mailalerts" module)

The "order_conf.html" uses {products} and {discounts} to display the information.

The "new_order.html" uses {items} to display the information.

Now: I'd like the second one to display exactly the same, as the first one does, because right now, the first one contains more information (due to a module) than the second one.


Is there a way to do this? Thanks in advance for any advice!


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this requires core changes

especially paymentModule class modifications.

it will be required to move there functions from "mailAlerts" module.

this is the only one way to change the mail contents.

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