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Shipping allowed / not allowed to the same address


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Hi everyone,


I have a "simple" problem, but I cannot find a solution anywhere.


Let's simplify:

1. Product A cannot be delivered to Germany (by means of creating a carrier C1 with no ranges defined for Gerrmany, and assigning only carrier C1 to product A).

2. Product B CAN be delivered to Germany (by means of assigning another carrier C2 with ranges defined for Germany).



1. If a customer from Germany orders just product A, it won't be allowed ("no carriers available, etc") -> OK

2. If a customer from Germany orders just product B, order is allowed with carrier C2 -> OK

3. If a customer from Germany orders both products A and B, order is also allowed (with carrier C2)!!! Showing the shipping costs corresponding to carrier C2.


Anyone knows how to solve situation 3??? I would hope 2 possible solutions from Prestashop, but it looks like PS didn't think about this (not so rare) possibility:

a) Product A is automatically deleted from order.

B) Message is displayed the same way as in situation 1 and order is not allowed.


I've been searching for a while and haven't found anything (just more people with same problem).


Thanks in advance!



Edited by Pecatum (see edit history)
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Well, I've just found another problem, which I guess is another case of the original problem:


- Product A can only be delivered with carrier C1 (expensive)

- Product B can be delivered with both carrier C1 (expensive) and carrier C2 (cheap)


In an order with products A and B, just option C2 (cheap) is available.

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There is no default way to archive this . but we can customize the codes little to auto delete product A from cart and show them an error text something like " Product A will not ship to germany , please use another delivery address for product A " 

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There is no default way to archive this . but we can customize the codes little to auto delete product A from cart and show them an error text something like " Product A will not ship to germany , please use another delivery address for product A " 

Thanks a lot for your quick response!


I was afraid there was no custom solution, as you say. I have some coding skills, so I will try and share my solution if I ever get to find it. Just in case, which files should I begin with?



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