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Change theme/prestashop folder name

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Hello all,

What do I need to do to change the name of the prestahop folder name under the themes folder. For example what what files would I need to change if I wanted to change the prestashop folder to shop? This is "/themes/prestashop/.....

I've gone in through my cpanel and changed it. It took the site down, which is what I figured it would do, since I know there are files pointing to that folder name.

Thanks in advance

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I don't understand. You don't need to do anything if you are renaming a theme from themes/prestashop to themes/shop. It is only if you are renaming the root directory of PrestaShop that you need to change the "PS directory" on the Preferences tab before renaming the directory, or edit config/settings.inc.php to manually change the __PS_BASE_URI__.

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  • 1 year later...

If you have more than one theme installed, go to the Modules > Themes (or Preferences > Appearance) tab and select another theme, then rename your theme, then change back to the theme. If you have only one theme installed, then you can't switch themes, so your website will break when you rename the theme. To fix it, you must edit config/settings.inc.php and change the value of _THEME_NAME_ to match the renamed theme.

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Why don't you just create a new folder on your PC called "owntheme" (or what ever you want) copy all the prestashop theme files into it & ftp it to your theme folder. Then you can change to your new theme in back office.

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Thanks for the reply guys.

Dazzza - Good thinking. In hindsight that's what I should have done beforehand. I got carried away with it, and it kinda went from there. It's NOTHING like the theme I installed now haha.

rocky - thanks man you're a star. However I'd want the folder of theme changing name aswell, so perhaps dazza's method could be the most straightforward?

this is what i want it to look like:

Instead of:


i want



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My solution is faster, since you just have to rename the folder from "downloadedtheme" to "rickietheme", then edit the _THEME_NAME_ in config/settings.inc.php, but dazza's is easier if you don't want to edit any code. Just copy "downloadedtheme" to "rickietheme", then upload it, then switch the theme to "rickietheme", then delete "downloadedtheme".

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  • 4 years later...

Just an update on Prestashop you 1.6

Rename an already installed theme is pretty straight forward.

1. Rename your theme folder.

2. Take note of the value of 'id_theme' in the  'shop' table.

3. Find the row in table 'theme' with the 'id_theme' noted above, and update the 'name' and 'directory' field.


Refresh the shop and view page content, your theme name should be updated.



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  • 8 months later...

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