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Fatal error: Call to undefined method OrderInvoice::getDeliveryNumberFormatted

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Hi there,
I can not open any order in admin -> orders
No matter which one order I want to view, when I click for open, it is showing following error:
Fatal error: Call to undefined method OrderInvoice::getDeliveryNumberFormatted() in /web/tools/smarty/sysplugins/smarty_internal_templatebase.php(157) : eval()'d code on line 2042


And 157 line in smarty_internal_templatebase.php is: eval("?>" . $code);

if (!$_template->compiled->exists || ($_template->smarty->force_compile && !$_template->compiled->isCompiled)) {
$code = file_get_contents($_template->compiled->filepath);
eval("?>" . $code);
$_template->compiled->loaded = true;
$_template->compiled->isCompiled = true;

I use PS


How can I fix this problem, please ?

Thanks for any advice !

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same problem here...


PHP Fatal error:  Call to undefined method OrderInvoice::getDeliveryNumberFormatted() in /public_html/tools/smarty/sysplugins/smarty_internal_templatebase.php(157) : eval()'d code on line 2099




Please help!!!

Edited by jm_adweb (see edit history)
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It started after installing custom invoice modul. Something was override in wrong way but I don't know what.

This error is related to the delivery slip - the entire error message is actually the link that opens the delivery slip. When I get order and set it to "in progress", "shipped" or "delivered" (whatever when the delivery slip is automatically generated) this will cause my orders to appear as you see on the enclosed screen.




I tried to uninstall invoice modul but I got another error message so I would like to fix it with modul kept.

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  • 1 year later...
On 4/21/2019 at 9:14 AM, ukfotoman said:

I had an exactly problem. Have you found the solution? Could you please share? Thanks

Ok i found the problem. It was an advanced invoice generator module that was desactivate but still was acting in some ways in prestashop. After deleting it everything went back to normal.

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  • 4 months later...
On 4/24/2019 at 6:44 PM, niavlys said:

Ok i found the problem. It was an advanced invoice generator module that was desactivate but still was acting in some ways in prestashop. After deleting it everything went back to normal.

I have the same problem, can you tell me what module you remove to fix the problem?

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