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To comply with government regulations, this transaction has been declined


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Anyone has had this issue? if yes how to fix it?

To comply with government regulations, this transaction has been declined


I setup a shop and have the paypal module all set, and confirmed by message congratulations you can now receive payments, but when i tray to buy something from more then one paypal account i always get: "To comply with government regulations, this transaction has been declined" and have no idea of what to do now. I also tried the sandbox ant with that no problem, i've searched around and found other people have had this issue, but no solution except for changing the shop name in the paypal account, which i didn more then once, but still the same. 
i've tried amazon pay also and also didn't work, so i thought it was my shop issue and i reset all file permissions to 644 and folders to 755 but still nothing, i installed a new shop clean and still the same, i have php 5.6 on my server, prestashop the latest .12 version and also the paypal module it's the latest european version, and on the same server i have other shops that work no problem.   





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What i don't quite understand is you saying: When i try to buy something from more than 1 paypal account you get the error...?I don't believe that one cart can be divided and paid by different paypal accounts.


Anyway...your country might have restrictions that paypal is referring to?

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