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Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class SliderLayer in /modules/ptssliderlayer/slider

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Helloo Prestashop Legends!

I need some help !!  :(

Since last wednesday that i cant open my dashboard on Prestashop (HTTP ERROR 500 https://www.acme.pt/...6d794a966f5206)

Can you all tell how to repair this?
I´ve google it for the error and in every forums tell to activate Debug Mode.

I´ve done that and my website crash everytime with the error --->



Table 'lbpt_acme.psrc_leohook' doesn't exist

SELECT * FROM `psrc_leohook` WHERE theme="ap_office" AND id_shop=1
at line 791 in file classes/db/Db.php


786. if ($webservice_call && $errno) {
787. $dbg = debug_backtrace();
788. WebserviceRequest::getInstance()->setError(500, '
 '.$this->getMsgError().'. From '.(isset($dbg[3]['class']) ? $dbg[3]['class'] : '').'->'.$dbg[3]['function'].'() Query was : '.$sql, 97);
789. } elseif (_PS_DEBUG_SQL_ && $errno && !defined('PS_INSTALLATION_IN_PROGRESS')) {
790. if ($sql) {
791. throw new PrestaShopDatabaseException($this->getMsgError().'<br /><br /><pre>'.$sql.'</pre>');
792. }
794. throw new PrestaShopDatabaseException($this->getMsgError());
795. }
796. }

if i change to "False" in Debug Mode it will be ok but i still cant connect to my Prestashop Backoffice.


Can someone  help me plz?
thanks  :)

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