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[SOLVED] Products by the same manufacturer

andy T

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Hi all,

on my product page in the product footer I have "productsCategory" module showing products in the same category, I want to have another block to show products by the same manufacturer.

I have duplicated and renamed the module, but my php is not great and I cannot figure out how to switch it to pull the products by manufacturer rather than category?

Any help appreciated

Original PHP =


class productsCategory extends Module
    function __construct()
         $this->name = 'productscategory';
         $this->version = '1.2.1';
         $this->tab = 'Products';

       $this->page = basename(__FILE__, '.php');
       $this->displayName = $this->l('Products Category');
       $this->description = $this->l('Display products of the same category on the product page');

   function install()
        if (!parent::install())
            return false;
        return $this->registerHook('productfooter');

   private function getCurrentProduct($products, $id_current)
       if ($products)
           foreach ($products as $key => $product)
               if ($product['id_product'] == $id_current)
                   return $key;
       return false;

   public function hookProductFooter($params)
       global $smarty, $cookie;

       $idProduct = intval(Tools::getValue('id_product'));
       $product = new Product(intval($idProduct));

       $category = new Category(1);
       if (isset($params['category']->id_category))
           $category = $params['category'];
       if ($category->id_category == 1 AND isset($product->id_category_default) AND $product->id_category_default > 1)
           $category = New Category(intval($product->id_category_default));
       if (!Validate::isLoadedObject($category))
           Tools::displayError('Bad category !');

       // Get infos

       $sizeOfCategoryProducts = $category->getProducts(intval($cookie->id_lang), 1, 30, NULL, NULL, true);
       $categoryProducts = $category->getProducts(intval($cookie->id_lang), 1, $sizeOfCategoryProducts);        

       // Get positions
       $middlePosition = round($sizeOfCategoryProducts / 2, 0);
       $productPosition = $this->getCurrentProduct($categoryProducts, $idProduct);

       // Flip middle product with current product
       if ($productPosition)
           $tmp = $categoryProducts[$middlePosition-1];
           $categoryProducts[$middlePosition-1] = $categoryProducts[$productPosition];
           $categoryProducts[$productPosition] = $tmp;

       // If products tab higher than 30, slice it
       if ($sizeOfCategoryProducts > 30)
           $categoryProducts = array_slice($categoryProducts, $middlePosition - 15, 30, true);
           $middlePosition = 15;

       // Display tpl
       $smarty->assign('categoryProducts', $categoryProducts);
       $smarty->assign('middlePosition', $middlePosition);
       return $this->display(__FILE__, 'productscategory.tpl');

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Try renaming the module's folder to productsmanufacturer and rename productscategory.php to productsmanufacturer.php and put the following in the file:


class ProductsManufacturer extends Module
    function __construct()
         $this->name = 'productsmanufacturer';
         $this->version = '1.2.1';
         $this->tab = 'Products';

       $this->page = basename(__FILE__, '.php');
       $this->displayName = $this->l('Products Manufacturer');
       $this->description = $this->l('Display products of the same manufacturer on the product page');

   function install()
        if (!parent::install())
            return false;
        return $this->registerHook('productfooter');

   private function getCurrentProduct($products, $id_current)
       if ($products)
           foreach ($products as $key => $product)
               if ($product['id_product'] == $id_current)
                   return $key;
       return false;

   public function hookProductFooter($params)
       global $smarty, $cookie;

       $idProduct = intval(Tools::getValue('id_product'));
       $product = new Product(intval($idProduct));

       // Get infos

       $sizeOfManufacturerProducts = Manufacturer::getProducts(intval($product->id_manufacturer), intval($cookie->id_lang), 1, 30, NULL, NULL, true);
       $manufacturerProducts = Manufacturer::getProducts(intval($product->id_manufacturer), intval($cookie->id_lang), 1, $sizeOfCategoryProducts);        

       // Get positions
       $middlePosition = round($sizeOfManufacturerProducts / 2, 0);
       $productPosition = $this->getCurrentProduct($manufacturerProducts, $idProduct);

       // Flip middle product with current product
       if ($productPosition)
           $tmp = $manufacturerProducts[$middlePosition-1];
           $manufacturerProducts[$middlePosition-1] = $manufacturerProducts[$productPosition];
           $manufacturerProducts[$productPosition] = $tmp;

       // If products tab higher than 30, slice it
       if ($sizeOfManufacturerProducts > 30)
           $manufacturerProducts = array_slice($manufacturerProducts, $middlePosition - 15, 30, true);
           $middlePosition = 15;

       // Display tpl
       $smarty->assign('categoryProducts', $manufacturerProducts);
       $smarty->assign('middlePosition', $middlePosition);
       return $this->display(__FILE__, 'productscategory.tpl');

You can also change productscategory.tpl to productsmanufacturer.tpl and the variable 'categoryProducts' to 'manufacturerProducts' for consistency if you want, but it is not needed for the module to work.

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Hi, thanks for the help.

I am getting Parse error in the module, as far as I can work out it is down to these lines, probably the $sizeOfManufacturer

       // Get infos        
       $sizeOfManufacturerProducts = Manufacturer::getProducts(intval($product->id_manufacturer), intval($cookie->id_lang), 1, 30, NULL, NULL, true);
       $manufacturerProducts = Manufacturer::getProducts(intval($product->id_manufacturer), (intval($cookie->id_lang), 1, $sizeOfManufacturerProducts);        

any thoughts?
Thanks Andy


On further investigation, the original categories version had the following

       $category = new Category(1);
       if (isset($params['category']->id_category))
           $category = $params['category'];
       if ($category->id_category == 1 AND isset($product->id_category_default) AND $product->id_category_default > 1)
           $category = New Category(intval($product->id_category_default));
       if (!Validate::isLoadedObject($category))
           Tools::displayError('Bad category !');

which "$sizeOfManufacturerProducts = Manufacturer" I think refers to, is this correct?

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Thanks for that.

In the .tpl I have renamed the elements to match the vars, but nothing is being displayed, in debug I am getting "{$manufacturerProducts}: false"

I have both the original productsCategory + the new productsManufacturer modules running, could there be a conflict between the two?

I tried with the original tpl file with the $manufacturerProducts swapped in for $categoryProducts, no luck, then:
{foreach from=$manufacturerProducts item='manufacturerProduct' name=manufacturerProduct}
and all the $manufacturerProduct vars to match.

Not sure if it is of relevance but also in debug is the following:

for the category block there is:
{$category}: Object { id=1, more...}
{$categoryProduct}: false
{$categoryProducts}: [Object { id_produc

for manufacturer block there is:
{$manufacturerProducts}: false
{$manufacturers}: []

but no {$manufacturer} or {$manufacturerProduct}, also there is {$product_manufacturer}: Object { id=1, more...} if we need to reference the manufacturer info?

Thanks Andy

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Hi, please ignor previous, it was due to a naming error,

// Get infos
$sizeOfManufacturerProducts = Manufacturer::getProducts(intval($product->id_manufacturer), intval($cookie->id_lang), 1, 30, NULL, NULL, true);
$manufacturerProducts = Manufacturer::getProducts(intval($product->id_manufacturer), intval($cookie->id_lang), 1, $sizeOfManufacturerProducts);

I had renamed line 1 - sizeOfManufacturerProducts, but not the call to it on line 2

Thanks for the help

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I am probably doing something very silly, but in the title of the .tpl for both "productsCategory" and "productsManufacturer" module I am trying to add a "View All" link to take the user to relevant category page.

I have all the code in place for the link and it displays the correct name, but I cannot get the HREF to be correct, most attempts just break the page. I have tried a lot of variations on {$link->($category.category_id)} or getCategoryLink() but none have worked.

Any thoughts on the best way to achieve this?


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Change the first line of the hookProductFooter function of modules/productscategory/productscategory.php file from:

global $smarty, $cookie;


global $smarty, $cookie, $link;

and change lines 40-44 from:

$category = new Category(1);
if (isset($params['category']->id_category))
   $category = $params['category'];
if ($category->id_category == 1 AND isset($product->id_category_default) AND $product->id_category_default > 1)
   $category = New Category(intval($product->id_category_default));


$category = new Category(1, intval($cookie->id_lang));
if (isset($params['category']->id_category))
   $category = $params['category'];
if ($category->id_category == 1 AND isset($product->id_category_default) AND $product->id_category_default > 1)
   $category = new Category(intval($product->id_category_default), intval($cookie->id_lang));

then add the following anywhere before the return on the last line:

$categoryLink = $link->getCategoryLink(intval($category->id), $category->link_rewrite);
$smarty->assign('categoryLink', $categoryLink);

You can then put the following code in modules/productscategory.tpl:

<a href="{$categoryLink}">{l s='View all' mod='productscategory'}

You can do a similar thing for the manufacturers too by calling getManufacturerLink instead of getCategoryLink.

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  • 2 months later...

The only things I can think of that would cause that a "no template found" error are if modules/productscategory/productscategory.tpl was missing from your server or didn't have read permissions, or perhaps the __FILE__ variable is wrong, which is causing it to look in the wrong place for the template. It is the following code that is leading to the error:

if (file_exists(_PS_THEME_DIR_.'modules/'.basename($file, '.php').'/'.$template))
   $smarty->assign('module_template_dir', _THEME_DIR_.'modules/'.basename($file, '.php').'/');
   $result = $smarty->fetch(_PS_THEME_DIR_.'modules/'.basename($file, '.php').'/'.$template);
elseif (file_exists(dirname($file).'/'.$template))
   $smarty->assign('module_template_dir', __PS_BASE_URI__.'modules/'.basename($file, '.php').'/');
   $result = $smarty->fetch(dirname($file).'/'.$template);
   $result = Tools::displayError('No template found');

PrestaShop first checks whether themes/yourtheme/modules/productscategory/productscategory.tpl exists, then checks whether modules/productscategory/productscategory.tpl exists. The function file_exists must return false for both of those for you to get that error message.

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Hi Rocky,

Works well... Thanks, i had forgotten to do what Andy also did:

Hi, please ignor previous, it was due to a naming error,

// Get infos
$sizeOfManufacturerProducts = Manufacturer::getProducts(intval($product->id_manufacturer), intval($cookie->id_lang), 1, 30, NULL, NULL, true);
$manufacturerProducts = Manufacturer::getProducts(intval($product->id_manufacturer), intval($cookie->id_lang), 1, $sizeOfManufacturerProducts);

I had renamed line 1 - sizeOfManufacturerProducts, but not the call to it on line 2

Thanks for the help

Do you know how i would go about getting only 5 products showing?

Cheers for your help so far.

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To have five products instead of 30, change:

$sizeOfManufacturerProducts = Manufacturer::getProducts(intval($product->id_manufacturer), intval($cookie->id_lang), 1, 30, NULL, NULL, true);


$sizeOfManufacturerProducts = Manufacturer::getProducts(intval($product->id_manufacturer), intval($cookie->id_lang), 1, 5, NULL, NULL, true);

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  • 1 year later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Rocky,



is there any chance to get help for the version


I tried to duplicate your instructions above but without success.


Here is my PHP file :


if (!defined('_PS_VERSION_'))
class productsManufacturer extends Module
 private $_html;
public function __construct()
   $this->name = 'productsmanufacturer';
   $this->version = '1.3';
 $this->author = 'PrestaShop';
   $this->tab = 'front_office_features';
 $this->need_instance = 0;


 $this->displayName = $this->l('Products Manufacturer');
 $this->description = $this->l('Display products of the same collection on the product page.');

 if (!$this->isRegisteredInHook('header'))
public function install()
  if (!parent::install() OR !$this->registerHook('productfooter') OR !$this->registerHook('header') OR !Configuration::updateValue('PRODUCTSCATEGORY_DISPLAY_PRICE', 0))
   return false;
  return true;

public function uninstall()
  if (!parent::uninstall() OR !Configuration::deleteByName('PRODUCTSCATEGORY_DISPLAY_PRICE'))
   return false;
  return true;

public function getContent()
 $this->_html = '';
 if (Tools::isSubmit('submitCross') AND Tools::getValue('displayPrice') != 0 AND Tools::getValue('displayPrice') != 1)
  $this->_html .= $this->displayError('Invalid displayPrice');
 elseif (Tools::isSubmit('submitCross'))
  Configuration::updateValue('PRODUCTSCATEGORY_DISPLAY_PRICE', Tools::getValue('displayPrice'));
  $this->_html .= $this->displayConfirmation($this->l('Settings updated successfully'));
 $this->_html .= '
 <form action="'.Tools::safeOutput($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']).'" method="post">
 <fieldset><legend><img src="'.$this->_path.'logo.gif" alt="" title="" />'.$this->l('Settings').'</legend>
  <label>'.$this->l('Display price on products').'</label>
  <div class="margin-form">
   <input type="radio" name="displayPrice" id="display_on" value="1" '.(Configuration::get('PRODUCTSCATEGORY_DISPLAY_PRICE') ? 'checked="checked" ' : '').'/>
   <label class="t" for="display_on"> <img src="../img/admin/enabled.gif" alt="'.$this->l('Enabled').'" title="'.$this->l('Enabled').'" /></label>
   <input type="radio" name="displayPrice" id="display_off" value="0" '.(!Configuration::get('PRODUCTSCATEGORY_DISPLAY_PRICE') ? 'checked="checked" ' : '').'/>
   <label class="t" for="display_off"> <img src="../img/admin/disabled.gif" alt="'.$this->l('Disabled').'" title="'.$this->l('Disabled').'" /></label>
   <p class="clear">'.$this->l('Show the price on the products in the block.').'</p>
  <center><input type="submit" name="submitCross" value="'.$this->l('Save').'" class="button" /></center>
 return $this->_html;

private function getCurrentProduct($products, $id_current)
 if ($products)
  foreach ($products AS $key => $product)
   if ($product['id_product'] == $id_current)
 return $key;
 return false;

public function hookProductFooter($params)
 global $smarty, $cookie;

 $idProduct = (int)(Tools::getValue('id_product'));
 $product = new Product((int)($idProduct));
 /* If the visitor has came to this product by a category, use this one */
 if (isset($params['manufacturer']->id_manufacturer))
  $manufacturer = $params['manufacturer'];
 /* Else, use the default product category */
  if (isset($product->id_manufacturer_default) AND $product->id_manufacturer_default > 1)
   $manufacturer = New Manufacturer((int)($product->id_manufacturer_default));

 if (!Validate::isLoadedObject($manufacturer) OR !$manufacturer->active)
 // Get infos
 $manufacturerProducts = $manufacturer->getProducts((int)($cookie->id_lang), 1, 100); /* 100 products max. */
 $sizeOfManufacturerProducts = (int)sizeof($manufacturerProducts);
 $middlePosition = 0;

 // Remove current product from the list
 if (is_array($manufacturerProducts) AND sizeof($manufacturerProducts))
  foreach ($manufacturerProducts AS $key => $manufacturerProduct)
   if ($manufacturerProduct['id_product'] == $idProduct)
  $taxes = Product::getTaxCalculationMethod();
  if (Configuration::get('PRODUCTSCATEGORY_DISPLAY_PRICE'))
   foreach ($manufacturerProducts AS $key => $manufacturerProduct)
 if ($manufacturerProduct['id_product'] != $idProduct)
  if ($taxes == 0 OR $taxes == 2)
   $manufacturerProducts[$key]['displayed_price'] = Product::getPriceStatic((int)$manufacturerProduct['id_product'], true, NULL, 2);
  elseif ($taxes == 1)
   $manufacturerProducts[$key]['displayed_price'] = Product::getPriceStatic((int)$manufacturerProduct['id_product'], false, NULL, 2);

  // Get positions
  $middlePosition = round($sizeOfManufacturerProducts / 2, 0);
  $productPosition = $this->getCurrentProduct($manufacturerProducts, (int)$idProduct);

  // Flip middle product with current product
  if ($productPosition)
   $tmp = $manufacturerProducts[$middlePosition-1];
   $manufacturerProducts[$middlePosition-1] = $manufacturerProducts[$productPosition];
   $manufacturerProducts[$productPosition] = $tmp;

  // If products tab higher than 30, slice it
  if ($sizeOfManufacturerProducts > 30)
   $manufacturerProducts = array_slice($manufacturerProducts, $middlePosition - 15, 30, true);
   $middlePosition = 15;

 // Display tpl
  'manufacturerProducts' => $manufacturerProducts,
  'middlePosition' => (int)$middlePosition,
  'ProdDisplayPrice' => Configuration::get('PRODUCTSCATEGORY_DISPLAY_PRICE')));
 return $this->display(__FILE__, 'productsmanufacturer.tpl');

public function hookHeader($params)
 Tools::addCSS($this->_path.'productsmanufacturer.css', 'all');
 Tools::addJS(array($this->_path.'productsmanufacturer.js', _PS_JS_DIR_.'jquery/jquery.serialScroll-1.2.2-min.js'));


Thanks in advance for your help and your time.





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  • 5 months later...



I used with success this code on my product pages (Prestashop 1.4.7). Thanks for the tutorial :)

In my case, I use it for artists instead of manufacturers.


But I have a problem in the product list under my product page : I would like the current product not to appear in this list.


Can you help me to create this exception in my 'productsmanufacturer.php' script?


Thank you in advance !

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  • 1 year later...

Any way to repeat your process in the latest PS ?

Im more then sure that I made the nessecary alterations for the database querys. However it takes the manufacturer id, but still shows categorys ( but now it shows the category which is corresponding to the manfucaturer id ) [ if manufacturer id is 4 then it will show category which id is 4 ]


Can anyone help me ? Here is my code with alterations which should work ...

* 2007-2013 PrestaShop
* This source file is subject to the Academic Free License (AFL 3.0)
* that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE.txt.
* It is also available through the world-wide-web at this URL:
* http://opensource.org/licenses/afl-3.0.php
* If you did not receive a copy of the license and are unable to
* obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send an email
* to [email protected] so we can send you a copy immediately.
* Do not edit or add to this file if you wish to upgrade PrestaShop to newer
* versions in the future. If you wish to customize PrestaShop for your
* needs please refer to http://www.prestashop.com for more information.
*  @author PrestaShop SA <[email protected]>
*  @copyright  2007-2013 PrestaShop SA
*  @license    http://opensource.org/licenses/afl-3.0.php  Academic Free License (AFL 3.0)
*  International Registered Trademark & Property of PrestaShop SA

if (!defined('_PS_VERSION_'))

class productsCategory extends Module
 	private $_html;

	public function __construct()
 	 	$this->name = 'productscategory';
 	 	$this->version = '1.5';
		$this->author = 'PrestaShop';
 	 	$this->tab = 'front_office_features';
		$this->need_instance = 0;
		$this->displayName = $this->l('Products Category');
		$this->description = $this->l('Display products of the same category on the product page.');

	public function install()
		Configuration::updateValue('PRODUCTSCATEGORY_DISPLAY_PRICE', 0);
	 	return (parent::install()
			&& $this->registerHook('productfooter')
			&& $this->registerHook('header')
			&& $this->registerHook('addproduct')
			&& $this->registerHook('updateproduct')
			&& $this->registerHook('deleteproduct')
	public function uninstall()
	 	return parent::uninstall();
	public function getContent()
		$this->_html = '';
		if (Tools::isSubmit('submitCross') AND Tools::getValue('displayPrice') != 0 AND Tools::getValue('displayPrice') != 1)
			$this->_html .= $this->displayError('Invalid displayPrice');
		elseif (Tools::isSubmit('submitCross'))
			Configuration::updateValue('PRODUCTSCATEGORY_DISPLAY_PRICE', Tools::getValue('displayPrice'));
			$this->_html .= $this->displayConfirmation($this->l('Settings updated successfully'));
		$this->_html .= '
		<form action="'.Tools::safeOutput($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']).'" method="post">
		<fieldset><legend><img src="'.$this->_path.'logo.gif" alt="" title="" />'.$this->l('Settings').'</legend>
			<label>'.$this->l('Display price on products').'</label>
			<div class="margin-form">
				<input type="radio" name="displayPrice" id="display_on" value="1" '.(Configuration::get('PRODUCTSCATEGORY_DISPLAY_PRICE') ? 'checked="checked" ' : '').'/>
				<label class="t" for="display_on"> <img src="../img/admin/enabled.gif" alt="'.$this->l('Enabled').'" title="'.$this->l('Enabled').'" /></label>
				<input type="radio" name="displayPrice" id="display_off" value="0" '.(!Configuration::get('PRODUCTSCATEGORY_DISPLAY_PRICE') ? 'checked="checked" ' : '').'/>
				<label class="t" for="display_off"> <img src="../img/admin/disabled.gif" alt="'.$this->l('Disabled').'" title="'.$this->l('Disabled').'" /></label>
				<p class="clear">'.$this->l('Show the price on the products in the block.').'</p>
			<center><input type="submit" name="submitCross" value="'.$this->l('Save').'" class="button" /></center>
		return $this->_html;
	private function getCurrentProduct($products, $id_current)
		if ($products)
			foreach ($products AS $key => $product)
				if ($product['id_product'] == $id_current)
					return $key;
		return false;
	public function hookProductFooter($params)
		$id_product = (int)$params['product']->id;
		$product = $params['product'];
		$cache_id = 'productscategory|'.$id_product.'|'.(isset($params['manufacturer']->id_manufacturer) ? (int)$params['manufacturer']->id_manufacturer : $product->id_manufacturer);

		if (!$this->isCached('productscategory.tpl', $this->getCacheId($cache_id)))
			/* If the visitor has came to this product by a category, use this one */
			if (isset($params['manufacturer']->id_manufacturer))
				$category = $params['manufacturer'];
			/* Else, use the default product category */
				if (isset($product->id_manufacturer) AND $product->id_manufacturer > 1)
					$category = new Category((int)$product->id_manufacturer);
			if (!Validate::isLoadedObject($category) OR !$category->active) 

			// Get infos
			$categoryProducts = $category->getProducts($this->context->language->id, 1, 100); /* 100 products max. */
			$sizeOfCategoryProducts = (int)sizeof($categoryProducts);
			$middlePosition = 0;
			// Remove current product from the list
			if (is_array($categoryProducts) AND sizeof($categoryProducts))
				foreach ($categoryProducts AS $key => $categoryProduct)
					if ($categoryProduct['id_product'] == $id_product)

				$taxes = Product::getTaxCalculationMethod();
				if (Configuration::get('PRODUCTSCATEGORY_DISPLAY_PRICE'))
					foreach ($categoryProducts AS $key => $categoryProduct)
						if ($categoryProduct['id_product'] != $id_product)
							if ($taxes == 0 OR $taxes == 2)
								$categoryProducts[$key]['displayed_price'] = Product::getPriceStatic((int)$categoryProduct['id_product'], true, NULL, 2);
							elseif ($taxes == 1)
								$categoryProducts[$key]['displayed_price'] = Product::getPriceStatic((int)$categoryProduct['id_product'], false, NULL, 2);
				// Get positions
				$middlePosition = round($sizeOfCategoryProducts / 2, 0);
				$productPosition = $this->getCurrentProduct($categoryProducts, (int)$id_product);
				// Flip middle product with current product
				if ($productPosition)
					$tmp = $categoryProducts[$middlePosition-1];
					$categoryProducts[$middlePosition-1] = $categoryProducts[$productPosition];
					$categoryProducts[$productPosition] = $tmp;
				// If products tab higher than 30, slice it
				if ($sizeOfCategoryProducts > 30)
					$categoryProducts = array_slice($categoryProducts, $middlePosition - 15, 30, true);
					$middlePosition = 15;
			// Display tpl
				'categoryProducts' => $categoryProducts,
				'middlePosition' => (int)$middlePosition,
				'ProdDisplayPrice' => Configuration::get('PRODUCTSCATEGORY_DISPLAY_PRICE')));
		return $this->display(__FILE__, 'productscategory.tpl', $this->getCacheId($cache_id));
	public function hookHeader($params)
		$this->context->controller->addCSS($this->_path.'productscategory.css', 'all');
		$this->context->controller->addJqueryPlugin(array('scrollTo', 'serialScroll'));

	public function hookAddProduct($params)

	public function hookUpdateProduct($params)

	public function hookDeleteProduct($params)

Edited by senso321 (see edit history)
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