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Dupliquer une nouvelle facture sur le serveur

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je suppose que tu parles de faire une copie automatique?


Je crois pas que ca existe de base,


mais tu peux toujours regarder du coté de classe/paymentModule.php qui génère et envoie au client la confirmation avec la facture.

                        // Join PDF invoice
                        if ((int)Configuration::get('PS_INVOICE') && $order_status->invoice && $order->invoice_number) {
                            $order_invoice_list = $order->getInvoicesCollection();
                            Hook::exec('actionPDFInvoiceRender', array('order_invoice_list' => $order_invoice_list));
                            $pdf = new PDF($order_invoice_list, PDF::TEMPLATE_INVOICE, $this->context->smarty);
                            $file_attachement['content'] = $pdf->render(false);
                            $file_attachement['name'] = Configuration::get('PS_INVOICE_PREFIX', (int)$order->id_lang, null, $order->id_shop).sprintf('%06d', $order->invoice_number).'.pdf';
                            $file_attachement['mime'] = 'application/pdf';
                        } else {
                            $file_attachement = null;

                        if (self::DEBUG_MODE) {
                            PrestaShopLogger::addLog('PaymentModule::validateOrder - Mail is about to be sent', 1, null, 'Cart', (int)$id_cart, true);

                        if (Validate::isEmail($this->context->customer->email)) {
                                Mail::l('Order confirmation', (int)$order->id_lang),
                                $this->context->customer->firstname.' '.$this->context->customer->lastname,
                                null, _PS_MAIL_DIR_, false, (int)$order->id_shop

il te reste plus qu'un override pour enregistrer une copie ou te l'envoyer un email avec un traitement automatique derrière

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